Remember when this man signed a secret deal in London?

Well, Mr Hunguri, doesn't take a break ! He has now signed another deal, in exchange for 2 of his wives, to be hosted in the UAE. Have you ever seen a more desperate and raqiis politician, in your life?

In his recent trip to Dubai, HSM signed away gas and petrol discovery projects to a Dubai-based company, partly owned by Dubai ruling family, and in return his two wives are hosted by UAE. Huruuse, the designate Foreign Minister, who was with the delegation, was asked to review the contract, which was drafted and delivered by UAE, represented by a Jr State Minister, prior to being signed; he along with Somalia Diplomats incl. the Ambassador tried to resist or modify, but had been advised this was a mere formality, that they had no role in the matter, and that terms had already been agreed to. In return, HSM got signing fee, two bags full of cash, on top of his two wives being hosted.
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I am the source : r/memes
I wonder how much he can loot before he leaves.

Does he still take away soldiers pay salary or he stopped doing that? Lol
How long has it been since the deal was signed with Coastline? What have they done in that time?

I believe there was a deal his admin signed during his first term years ago, this deal was then cancelled by Farmajo's administration? Or there are multiple conflicting deals as of late. There is also the old one that was signed during the Kacaan regime.

