BREAKING NEWS: Somalia urges international partners to respect its sovereignty

i wanted kheyre and farmaajo to finish their term together and set an example. but it did not happen.

but i am glad somalia is finally telling the so called "international community" to stop interfering in local issues.


I believe the donors have every right to voice their opinions and concerns on issues that can jeopardize the peace process. However using threats or harsh language against our dowlad leaves a bad taste in everyones mouth. There’s definitely a better way to handle it. :)

The Somali Caesar

King of Sarcasm• Location: Rent free in your head
The International Community will just simply cut Somalia aid budget. Let’s be honest IC run the country and they use Farmajo as a puppet.
The international community should cut all the funding so we can see how much respect alshabab gives farmajo.
Many countries receive 10x more of aid money, military assistance, tech and know how transfer than Somalia could ever get from these countries. And I've never seen them disrespecting those countries.
Many countries receive 10x more of aid money, military assistance, tech and know how transfer than Somalia could ever get from these countries. And I've never seen them disrespecting those countries.
I just noticed it wasn’t the EU representative to Somalia but the E.U’s Vice-President. I didn’t know Somalia was part of the EU lol. We needs to start looking east to spice things up a little. I remember turkey offering a Mutual defense pact back in 2018 but farmajo still didn’t sign it yet. It makes sense now.
I agree but first they have to stand on their own two feet. are the europeans paying their salaries still btw? if so they look ridiculous asking for sovereignty
No amisom in SL/PL/GM or In villa Somalia only in abgaal land and everything south of it. Stop embarrassing ur self. Kick amisom/AS first then u can talk.
Amisom is in Villa Ugadishu protecting the retarded one villa president. Without Amisom/Foreign troops, Villa Ugandishu would probably be chaotic by now. The traitor Failmaajo is using Ethiopian troops to annex Somali territory like Gedo for political reasons and is enabling them to annex Hiiraan as we speak. Amisom are also known for Human rights abuses like running people over and exploiting Somali women.

I just noticed it wasn’t the EU representative to Somalia but the E.U’s Vice-President. I didn’t know Somalia was part of the EU lol. We needs to start looking east to spice things up a little. I remember turkey offering a Mutual defense pact back in 2018 but farmajo still didn’t sign it yet. It makes sense now.

These westerners are acting as if Somalia was their colony. And Somalia recieves the most backhanded aid. Most of their aid goes to their own NGOs and contractors.
Have you seen how Britain, a veto power trains our army with sticks and sandals?
Germany, world 4th richest nation in the world gave our ministry of labor, some cheap laptops and cameras and claimed that was great partnership.
Their aid food packages are mostly expired and they arrive, when the Somali farmers are cultivating their crops. That's not aid, it's more like discouraging our people from farming, so their fellow cadaans can take over our farming industry.
Somalia is not xarmaajo. Hawiya thought they can control MX. We hope this will be example for them.

You're sick in the head wlhi, get some therapy. Other countries are humiliating your country like it's their colony. And all you can talk about is qabiil?
Typical 68
I agree but first they have to stand on their own two feet. are the europeans paying their salaries still btw? if so they look ridiculous asking for sovereignty

Turkey and qatar for now give Somalia more direct aid, than the west and they are not acting like we're their colony.
Many countries receive 10x the aid Somalia receives and they are not disrespected on daily basis like us. We need to tell these countries to back off.