BREAKING Footage of Somaliland mujaideen engaging Puntland militia

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Reports from both puntland and somaliland media say that early on Saturday a group of mutineers unhappy with the delay of operations within the chain of command of Puntlands armed forces decided to launch a surprise attack on the Somaliland troops stationed in Tukaraq, the engagement ended shortly after.

Several hours later, both somaliland and Puntland news sources report that the SL battalions stationed in Tukaraq have now advanced and reached the town of Boocame, which lies a mere 70km from the Puntland capital Garowe.

Reports say now that the generals and lieutenants of the Somaliland Armed forces have been welcomed by the elders of Boocame who gave an ear to what the army had to say/offer, if the elders accept, then within a week a two a military contingent will be established on the boocame front.
Don't mislead people clearly the khatumo forces were the once attacking not siiland:russ:
Wararka naga soo gaadhayaa deegaanka Tukaraq ee Gobolka Sool ayaa waxay sheegeen in Weerar Qorshaysan lala eegtay Fadhiisimada Ciidanka Somaliland ay dhowaan Halkaasi ka samaysteen, Iyadoona Saaka Xili hore dadka deegaanku ay ku Waabiriisteen Rasaas xoogan oo dhacaysa.

Warar kala duwan ayaa kasoo baxaya sida ay wax u dhaceen, Waxaana Wararka qaar ay sheegayaan in Weerarka ay Fulisay Jabhad la magac baxday Xoraynta deegaanada SSC oo uu Hogaamiyo Faysal Falaalug.

Wariye ku sugan Laascaanood oo la xidhiidhay Saraakiisha Ciidanka Puntland oo uu wax ka waydiiyey Xiisada saaka ka cusub deegaanka ayay u sheegeen inay Moodayeen Rasaas la tijaabinayo oo warba aysan ka haynin.

Ciidamada somaliland ayaa ku sugan meel udhaxysa Godqaboobe iyo Boocame oo ka tirsan gobolka sool, Kadib markii ay dhowaan Tukaraq ka qabsadeen ciidamo ka tirsan Puntland.

Dadka degaanka oo Warbaahinta la hadlay waxay sheegeen inay maqlayaan hub culculus oo ay labad dhinac iswaydaarsanayaan, Lama oga khasaaraha rasmiga ah ee ka dhashay weerarkaasi.

Puntland iyo Somaliland ayaa mudooyinkii udanbysay isku horfadhiyay jiidaha gobolka sool, iyadoona labada dhinac uu midkastaaba uusoo dhoobay ciidamo tirabadan, Sidoo kalana waxaa deegaano Hoosyimaada degmada Boocame ku sugan Ciidamo ka tirsan Jabhada Xoraynta SSC.
Sl didn't gain shit it still stuck in the same place from last week where mjland ran away from the story I'm hearing tho siiland got smacked around:patrice:
Hogaaminyaha Jabhadda Dib u xoraynta deegaanada Khaatumo Col Faysal Falaaug oo Saaka uu dagaal ku dhex maraya meel u dhaxaysa Boocame iyo God-qaboobe ayaa dagaalkani waxaa ay uga baxeen Malleeshiyaadka Puntland oo iyagu maalmahaan dhoolatus igu sawir ah ka waday deegaanada Godqaboobe iyo Fallidhiyaale .

Dhinaca kale , Goog Jooge uga waramay dagaalka sida uu u dhacay ayaa sheegay in Puntaland ay faraha ka laabatay dagaaalkan oo u dhaxeeyey saaka Faysal falaalug iyo Somalilnad halka Faysal Falaaalug oo lagarab ahaa Ciidamada PL Si ay u xoreeyaan dhulka Khaatumo.
Mjland might be up there for one of the most spineless group these fuckers took pictures and ran away:what:
Not even firing a single shot:wow:
@Gucci mane
You gonna love this:westbrookwtf:


Daamn, SL went iinn on them.
No wonder Keating arrived fast in Hargeisa, Muse Bixii scared the shit out of them :wowsweat:


Daamn, SL went iinn on them.
No wonder Keating arrived fast in Hargeisa, Muse Bixii scared the shit out of them :wowsweat:
Keating is coward , we should ban him from entering or meeting SL , we should demand separate UN representative for somaliland . Not the bastard keating who's working for the interests of the British somaOil!
I'm telling you. Imagine if Somaliland took Garowe and permanently occupied it. Used it as leverage against Somalia. Hell we should bomb the Bosaso port and all aitport and besiege the B%=@ like Asad in Syria.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
@Saalax Bidaar Kkkkk same video. Walahi some of them really believe every nonsense they're fed. Not an iota of critical thinking.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
If yall wanna fight mj come to Cagaaran forget about Garoowe wabillaahi towfiiq
Who’s in garoowe you cuqdad ridden laangaab xabeshi wecel tell us who’s occupying bosaso qardho garoowe or galkacyo hooyada waase


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
No Majeerteen should fight this war it’s dhulbhante land and they are servants of Isaac they enjoy their servitude to Isaac I pray if any Majeerteen joins this war I pray dhulbhante shoots them in the back and they die in the most painful way.
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