BREAKING! Erdogan Loses Mayoral Elections! Chants Of "Turkey Is Secular & Will Remain Secular' Reverberate Throughout The Streets!


모Resident Netrunner모
these niggas wanna be white so bad
I wonder what the CHP’s policy towards Somalia will be. Will it be similar to what the AKP’s policy was under Erdoğan?

Garaad Awal

Zubeyri aka Targaryen of the Awalid Kingdom.
I wonder what the CHP’s policy towards Somalia will be. Will it be similar to what the AKP’s policy was under Erdoğan?
Turkish nationalists don’t care about Somalia ideologically and see no geopolitical benefit in it either. They will focus on Europe,NATO, their beefs with Greece,Armenia,PKK. Continuing Erdogan’s policy of being close with Azerbaijan and other Turkic states. I think they will still maintain good relations with Qatar (only for their money) but will never be as close as it was under Erdogan.
crazy to think these are the descendants of those that conquered constantinople from the christians.

if this goes on im assuming immorality, disease and low birth rates will spread there
I have lost all sentiments to religion, I am ambivalent about it now, so I think I am more close to being a cultural muslim. I think this is the final stage of gaalnimo, you see how Richard Dawkins moves lool
I don’t understand why some ppl on this forum fw niggas like him a gaal is a gaal and we have to hate for the sake of Allah it doesn’t matter if he’s cultural or not
And turkroachs are so embarrassing always begging to be white someone needs to tell them that they will NEVER be white and Islam is the best path.

