Brad Pitt Abandons Atheism

This guy got cucked, hard stuck in a marriage where he had to raise kids that were adopted and I think his only biological kid got transgendered. lol
Death is scary so the natural reflex is to believe in God. Furthermore , there is a genetic propensity to believe god as those who didnt were murdered.
Which is sad


You don't here from the avarage joe/Jane when they have spiritual crisis in their pursuit of godlessness life.

Having a "star" come out and say I have taken this road and have not found any fulfilment might make ppl
rethink their ways.

Just a thought.

You don't here from the avarage joe/Jane when they have spiritual crisis in their pursuit of godlessness life.

Having a "star" come out and say I have taken this road and have not found any fulfilment might make ppl
rethink their ways.

Just a thought.
He is old looks like his questioning his life so far which is good. I don't think it will impact anyone's life if it does they are very gullible people that can't think for themselves they could change their mind when he decides to change his min again tomorrow.

