@boqor Geeljire 252 come here plz

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Is this true ? Demolition of old historic light house and white historic building?
Unfortunately if it is true news, that will barbaric action of destroying historic area. We must protect the area not to destroy. @Boqor Geeljire252
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I hope they leave the old light house alone and renovate then turn it into some sort of historic museum, that light house is a very popular historic building.
How old are they? If they're from the 1900+, they aren't really historic or noteworthy tbh.

I don't know exactly date but, we have to protect because they are part of our inheritance. They add beauty and old glory to the city without them Mogadishu will turn like any new city without history.
:comeon:Old houses are common though. Wad iska hesani karta lakin. There's tons of space to build with. :duck:

We have vast empty lands in Mogadishu and around Somali coastal towns, so why we had to destroy our historic buildings? Plz check the ancient old neighbourhood in Tunisia, Cairo, Damascus, Morocco, Dubai. All these cities never demolished their old buildings but they kept them and restored them for (tourism, beauty, historic) reasons. They built at empty areas.
Who built it though?
Moqdishu (Mogadishu) Main (2?)
Date unknown (station established 1903). Inactive. Described by current light lists as a 10 m (33 ft) white masonry tower with a focal plane of 74 m (243 ft). Originally, this was a 17 m square tower with lantern and gallery. The library of the Swiss Institute of Technology has the 1912 photo at right, a more distant historic view is available, and Google has a satellite view. The history of this building is unknown, but the present tower appears to be the same as the one in the 1912 photo. Mogadishu, the national capital and former capital of Italian Somaliland, is generally under the control of the Transitional Government, which had driven out Al Shahaab forces by the end of 2011. Located on a ridge about 1.5 km (1 mi) northwest of the harbor. Site status unknown. ARLHS SOM-007; Admiralty D7218; NGA 31096.
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