Boeing air plane 737 crushes in China. 132 Dead.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
The population of China is so great, we have an actual freaking eye witness describing the fall or crush of the plane. Amazing.

Eyewitness describes falling plane​

In an interview with state media outlet Beijing Youth Daily, an eyewitness described seeing a plane "falling directly from the sky in front of him around 2 p.m."
"The plane fell vertically from the sky. Although I was very far away, I could still see that it was a plane. The plane did not smoke during the fall. The fire started after it fell into the mountain, followed by a lot of smoke," the witness, who was only identified by his surname, Liu, said.
"My heart was thumping. I immediately informed friends about the situation, that this area is dangerous and not to come nearby," Liu continued.
In a separate interview with China News Service, a resident from Molang village in Tengxian county -- close to the scene of the crash -- reported seeing "wings and pieces of the plane, as well as pieces of clothing hanging from trees."
The witness -- whose name was not published -- told state media he drove his motorcycle to the crash site after hearing "a huge explosion" around 2.40 pm to "see if he could participate in the rescue." The onlooker added that the accident caused "about 10 acres of fire," according to his visual estimates.
Video showing what appears to be a plane falling nose first from the sky circulated widely on Chinese social media Monday, before being picked up and published by state media.
Footage posted online and shared by state media outlet People's Daily show plumes of smoke billowing from a mountainous, forested area. Another clip shows what appears to be wreckage from the plane on a muddy mountain path.
The colors on the Boeing and China Eastern Airlines websites were changed to black and white in China, as a sign of respect in response to the crash.

Wikipedia Lists number of Boeing crushes since 1970

1970s- 10

1980s - 29

1990s - 17


2010s -5

2020s- 1 Jan 2 2021

As u can see, the crushes are getting fewer as time goes. Huuuuiiisssh Alhamdhulilaah. But i would hate to have been flying in the 1980s WTF was going then? I know, the 80s was drugs era but this is crazy!

