Allegedly alleged allegations of allegorical EntanglementWTF, He was making out with BluemakenUp?
Wasn't he married?
It's not thirst, it's due to degeneracy.. Every day that passes by we see more and more degeneracy and we accept it gradually as community. If you speak against it you'll have hordes of sjw and other degenerates quoting quranic and hadiths verses attacking you. So this is the norm of the day from now on. R.I.P good Somali family values and good decent conservative Somali cultureI'm wondering how thirsty can a nigga be to start messing with mister sisters. This is some federal prison life sentence thirsty shit. I don't think tawbah can save these trannychasers
I blame Somali women.. They're the ones who gave birth to gay sons@Gibiin-Udug @Basic @Emily @Gambar who do you think he will blame for this one 1) Sixir 2) Somali women 3) “The tranny told me she was a woman” 4) His hoyo
Maybe it is not him. Hard to make out who it is, because some chick on twitter said so
5 the shaa he had to breakfast yesterday@Gibiin-Udug @Basic @Emily @Gambar who do you think he will blame for this one 1) Sixir 2) Somali women 3) “The tranny told me she was a woman” 4) His hoyo