Black Palestinians face subtle racism in Gaza

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Amun is right, most of the African slaves exported to Arabia, Ottoman Empire were sub-Saharan Bantus, Nilotes etc. The Blacks of the Gulf are overwhelmingly Bantu. The Cushitic/Habasha Ethiopian slaves were not sent to Palestine, Gurage are grouped with the Habasha and are not linguistically Cushitic. Most were females and children exported in the 19th century to Southern Arabia (Saudi Arabia and Yemen).

Their does not exist a distinct Black population of Ethiopian ancestry in the Middle East apart from the Jabartis of Yemen. By contrast, the Khaals of Bantu descent have a visible presence in the Gulf countries. Look at the Saudi, UAE, Oman etc. football teams. Bear in mind that not every Black football player is of slave ancestry. Pele of the Desert, Majeed Abdullah, was Sudanese; Mahmoud Soufi of Qatar was Somali etc. Even Iraq has a sizeable population of people with Bantu African ancestry; check out the Iraqi Zanj Rebellion of the Abbasid era.

Somalis should have extensively bred with the attractive female slaves that came their way instead of shipping them off to the Arabs.:lawd:


That was more of a classist action than a racist one. Ethiopian Jews literally were illiterate peasants when they entered Israel. Most of the other Jews were highly literate and semi-rich.

If Jews were really racist, they wouldn't even let Ethiopian Jews in the first place.

Poor people will raise children poorly and perpetuate the poverty cycle. Most of the eugenic efforts in the early 20th century was actually targeted at lower class white people, especially in the US.

Most of the people who got sterilized in the US were criminal or low IQ whites. Remember, for every black American there are like 9 white Americans.

Wallahi you don’t know what you’re talking about.
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