Black American dilema


Plotting world domination
Its waffling. While African Americans are less poor and have higher education, that is to be expected compared to an immigrant group that only started arriving in the 90s from a wartorn place and the country is still recieving immigrants. It would be more embarassing if an old integrated group like AAs didn't do better than us. That is changing however as newer generation Somalis will be more educated and pursue better jobs.

@zeilaprime since you claim we do worse on every statistics how about crime and Aids/STDs? Surely you aren't going to say Somalis do worse in those areas, right?

Every single immigrant group in the US that isn't black or hispanic actually has a median income higher than whites

AAs and Mexicans are the only non white ethnic groups that will always have a portion of their people stuck in the hood.
Systemic racism pretty much fucked them over.

The ones that make it out of the hood are doing better than most ethnic groups.

The only reason why somalis might start performing better than them is simply because the US stopped flooding the country with poor Somali refugees. Our middle class is growing and with no new arrivals into the hood we won't have to worry about having high crime rates in the next 20-30 years.
Refugees criticizing their hosts. When you get the affirmative action benefits and scholarships do you ever think about how it came about? All the benefits Somalis and other immigrants have is because of Civil Rights Act fought for by Afro Americans and Christian benefactors who airlifted your poor, dusty asses from refugee camps in Kenya and Ethiopia. It's these stupid, ungrateful, behaviours that make Somalis the most hated immigrants everywhere. Everywhere you go the common phrase is 'Oh no, not those Somalians again'. In Minnesota, a deranged Somali mass shooter has killed an AfroAmerican cop who responded and was helping him. The mooryan pretended to be a victim. Shaitan! There is clearly a need for deep self introspection. Why does our country produce shiploads of refugees daily? Why do we run to well run Christian gaal nations and try to eff them up while claiming benefits? This is not even Islamic. It's parasitism. Looking down on your benefactors and thinking they are stupid for letting you into their country so easily. It's the same disease with many European Muslims.