Black American dilema

The internet has warped your mind I work with a diverse workforce at my job and guess what all of the African diaspora including black Americans hangout, and get along. Do we have differences of course they have been through a horrific experience as an ethnic group, and America has never done right by them. Reparations would’ve fixed a lot for black Americans yet America never repaid them for slavery then they did this shit called affirmative action which was used by other minorities including Asians, and Jews.


Plotting world domination
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Most of these guys seem to be non Americans. Their only interactions with AAs are online. They probably believe all of them are stuck in the hood :mjkkk:

Even young AA dudes raised in the hood are breaking into the middle class at faster rates compared to your avg somali nigga raised in the hood.
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Here you go. We perform better at math and reading than AAs do.

Meanwhile in Lambeth U.K Somali students perform well even against Nigerians



모Resident Netrunner모
The internet has warped your mind I work with a diverse workforce at my job and guess what all of the African diaspora including black Americans hangout, and get along. Do we have differences of course they have been through a horrific experience as an ethnic group, and America has never done right by them. Reparations would’ve fixed a lot for black Americans yet America never repaid them for slavery then they did this shit called affirmative action which was used by other minorities including Asians, and Jews.
Keep in mind even after segreation ended they were discriminated when it came to loans for businesses, mortgages etc... and on top of that the CIA dumped shitt load of drugs into their neighbourhood leading to the crack epidemic in the 80's, just to fighting communism in the America.
You're not wrong, brutal
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Thoughts? @Angelina
Its waffling. While African Americans are less poor and have higher education, that is to be expected compared to an immigrant group that only started arriving in the 90s from a wartorn place and the country is still recieving immigrants. It would be more embarassing if an old integrated group like AAs didn't do better than us. That is changing however as newer generation Somalis will be more educated and pursue better jobs.

@zeilaprime since you claim we do worse on every statistics how about crime and Aids/STDs? Surely you aren't going to say Somalis do worse in those areas, right?
Its waffling. While African Americans are less poor and have higher education, that is to be expected compared to an immigrant group that only started arriving in the 90s from a wartorn place and the country is still recieving immigrants. It would be more embarassing if an old integrated group like AAs didn't do better than us. That is changing however as newer generation Somalis will be more educated and pursue better jobs.

@zeilaprime since you claim we do worse on every statistics how about crime and Aids/STDs? Surely you aren't going to say Somalis do worse in those areas, right?
Every single immigrant group in the US that isn't black or hispanic actually has a median income higher than whites
Its waffling. While African Americans are less poor and have higher education, that is to be expected compared to an immigrant group that only started arriving in the 90s from a wartorn place and the country is still recieving immigrants. It would be more embarassing if an old integrated group like AAs didn't do better than us. That is changing however as newer generation Somalis will be more educated and pursue better jobs.

@zeilaprime since you claim we do worse on every statistics how about crime and Aids/STDs? Surely you aren't going to say Somalis do worse in those areas, right?
Lost the argument on education and income so you want to move the goal post. It's been fun!


Defender of chubby Xalimos 👑
The white man will never see the black american as same to him. There will aways and forever be this line and stick between the cadaan man and the black american fba dude. Black americans will always be targeted, So why do the alienate the africans? They are to dumb to realise that your time in the cadaan mans world is coming to a end. Africans extended a olive branch. Black americans riddled it with bullets instead. Its time to let the cadaan man and Black american quarrel
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I say the west African give free lands to the fba people. It’s their birth rights to have land in their ancestral lands.
I say the west African give free lands to the fba people. It’s their birth rights to have land in their ancestral lands.
they fully despise west africans. Even more so then they hate east africans :mjlol: Wallahi the twitter war between west africans vs fba during covid was the funniest shit to ever take place.


Defender of chubby Xalimos 👑
they fully despise west africans. Even more so then they hate east africans :mjlol: Wallahi the twitter war between west africans vs fba during covid was the funniest shit to ever take place.
I despise west African to except Fulani,tuerage and hausa people. I just find their culture nasty in general.

