"Billboards at New York square highlight Indian atrocities"

Omar del Sur

Billboards at New York square highlight Indian atrocities

"NEW YORK: Billboards in New York’s iconic Times Square lit up in solidarity with Kashmiris on Tuesday as the Indian siege of the occupied valley was entering its second year.

“Kashmiris Lives Matter,” said a sign, written in white letters with a red line, against a black background."
i fear for kashmiri women. at one point in india "kashmiri women" was the top search result; think it was when they were talking about integration or sumn. theres police all around kashmir so they cant even border hop to pakistan

Omar del Sur

i fear for kashmiri women. at one point in india "kashmiri women" was the top search result; think it was when they were talking about integration or sumn. theres police all around kashmir so they cant even border hop to pakistan

My God, that is terrible......
My God, that is terrible......

https://www.vice.com/en_in/article/...-number-of-people-googling-marry-kashmir-girl its disgusting and i fear for the women specifically because of this. india is very colorist and kashmiris are light-skinned.