Biggest L a father can take is letting his daughter marry a random ajanabi

Awdalia Rising

SSpot Special Correspondent
Snigger? :gucciwhat: We say snicker in America who’s out here saying snigger? I had to look it up it’s the same meaning

but yes this is the biggest L. You feel like you let down your forefathers

Awdalia Rising

SSpot Special Correspondent
If a Madowweyne or Yemeni wanted my daughters hand, I would give him if he had deen and manners.

bruh this isn’t a joking matter your daughter must marry a Geeljire or her kids will have no clan. They will have Madow/yemeni customs instead of Somali because they will follow after their father. And worst of all they might become self hater Madows and Yemenis don’t really like Somalis and seeing as the kid will have no clan and thus no place in Somali society he might hate Somalis based just off of that kkk

