Better muslim

I wouldn't say that if I were you , you belligerent hypocrite we both know that you're a combination of langaab + maangaab
You're naive and gullible son , you have the Tawhiid on your DP and yet you spew these unethical nonsense, under the banner of Islam you project your hatred and pathetic condescending bs .
This is why Somalis like you will likely rot in the bottom pit of hell.

I couldn't give a flying f*ck about qabiil and it's absurd insignificant existence
You're a bakhti qaxooti roaming for free handouts in the western hemisphere neefka tahay was

I just said it was a joke


I'm confused why is his tribe a decimal?
That's their mentality and view point , they believe in this unethical practices more than Islam itself ,
no wonder they are backwards and light years behind from the rest of the world.
It seems to be they have been indoctrinated and pass this toxicity to their offsprings to carry on these primitive resentments.
They think they are noble by ostracizing, ridiculing and labeling someone's entire patriarchal lineage a decimal whilst their people are world refugees fleeing from famine, starvation , abject poverty, risks of contagious diseases their pathetic political delinquents also known as prostitute politicians begs the world for rations and WHO relics and relief
Somalia is a laughing stock when they are at the bottom of ranked nations
Instead of being gracious and humble for generous hospitality provided by hosting Western nations he resorts to the exact reasons why his shitehole of country are in deep shit
not forgetting where's his dusty ass originally came from bunch of spoiled brats do not deserve the privalleges they have
This fucker can say all he wants he surely lacks intellectual vitality just like those braindead folks you see in FKD

