Best hairstyle on Somalis?

I'm growing my hair out to go for something like this, what about y'all?


SSpots starting point guard
Trust me, it works

My dad was bald from 30-40 and I told him to try it, after 3 months he has a head full of hair and a good hairline. You gotta be dedicated tho and you can't hop off it.
Straight cap nigga, been waaye that shit will not help you recover your hairline. If that was the case then dermatologist would recommended that to all their clients.
Straight cap nigga, been waaye that shit will not help you recover your hairline. If that was the case then dermatologist would recommended that to all their clients.

It works, been on minoxidil for 2.5 months and I'm noticing a lot of hair growth. Going to hop on fin in 2 to 3 months
throw that in with finastride and some dht blocking shampoo + biotin + derma roller, you're gonna look like you've never lost a inch of hair

Ya, I have ketoconazole shampoo, ganna go see my family doctor and get a prescription for fin in 3 months. I derma rolled once ganna increase that next month.

