Best excercise?


عادل | جامعة الدفاع العربي
5'10 - Went from 120 to 145 pounds this year and all fat going to my stomach. How do I get this weight distributed to my arms and calves?

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Start lifting bro hit every body part. You should start 5x5 workout hit every body part 5 sets 5 reps max weight as much as you can do get ur strength up


عادل | جامعة الدفاع العربي
Start lifting bro hit every body part. You should start 5x5 workout hit every body part 5 sets 5 reps max weight as much as you can do get ur strength up
I'm doing a standard PPL routine just wanna know what exercises can max arm/leg width
If you are just starting out I would start with full body work outs routine(5x5 similar programs) plus include some accessories like tricep pulldowns ,facepulls,barbell curl etc also stick with it for at least 6 months and learn the proper way how to do these exercises (form). In the past I did full body workout program which gave me the foundation currently doing ppl routine but the most important thing is that you do what works for you every body different and research there is always something u can improve .

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Focus on compound lifts like bench press, shoulder press, deadlifts, squats and rows you’ll gain more muscles and weight as these workouts hit multiple muscle groups


Back/Front Squats/Bulgarian Split Squats -Legs

Deadlifts(Trap Bar for beginners), Weighted Pullups -Back/Biceps

Bench Press, Overhead Press, Dumbell Press(Incline/Flat/Seated) - Shoulders/Chest/Triceps

Abs will be hit regardless assuming you're squatting/Overhead Press/Weighted Pullups or Chin Ups

I made the best gains following a 2-3 Full Body Routine

