Berlin 1936 is more advanced then any Somali city in 2022

Your comparing the Ubermench the highest species on the planet with the untermensc who have no sewage system with a cheese fellow as a president who is protected by a Bantu


Mogadishu in 1950s is more advanced than any other city in somalia today including present day muqdisho
That’s sad and you shouldn’t be posting videos like this from the past it only destroys the soul. Somalis are Africans, just a few hundred years ago they were butt naked, their women had their titties out and the men were naked too. Guess what Berlin was doing then? That’s right it was still extravagant and expensive with high rises of its century while your people were living in the bush chasing the wilderness. Today you have cut portions of the desert and claimed it for you clan but still your people behave like they’re from the bush. Killing each other hating each other over the simplest things, only bushmen fight like that.


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