Berbera looking nice, paved, and green after DP world deal

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This was their water project which was completed end of 2018. Somaliland has made a great deal with UAE and the locals are benefiting :salute:

Berbera, Somaliland 16 February 2019: Global trade enabler DP World has recently launched a new water distribution center that increased the water supply in Berbera, Somaliland, by 60 percent.

The $1 million project started in 2018 and includes four water wells, two shallow pools, two water troughs, a concrete reservoir tank and 7.0 km pipeline connected to the main water supply.

The project, powered by a hybrid solar system and a main generator, also included the construction of a mosque near the water distribution center.


Those roads were built by the local council years ago actually and the buildings are owned by local businessmen lol. Somalis are quick to give credit to foreigners.
^ Good on you for admitting. Somaliland government does build roads, mashAllah:nvjpqts:

Those medians in the road were built recently, along with the planting of trees. Also the 60% increase in water for the city and waste disposal fleet. This is all directly related to DP world and increase of wealth being put in Saaxil district
Did this alleviate the unemployment. I heard they got rid off lots of local workers in both high and lower positions and replaced them with imported Philippinos and street shitters

The wages of the workers were actually increased. Not only that, but the port is actually taxing big businessmen now, instead of getting away with bribes. Jobs are created through projects. The water project created jobs, the urban planning of building medians and curbs with Palm trees created jobs, the waste disposal fleets created jobs. All of this is directly from SL DP world deal


"Show respect to all people, but grovel to none"
Those roads were built by the local council years ago actually and the buildings are owned by local businessmen lol. Somalis are quick to give credit to foreigners.

:nahgirl: so its blabber sheeko miyaa
:nahgirl: so its blabber sheeko miyaa

In another thread and ukhti @Mercury will say Somaliland doesn't build roads in the entire country. In this one they'll say DP world didn't invest to build the roads, SL gov built those roads:gucciwhat:

Adiguna I answered your question but it looks like your another shit poster from hell hole somalia:pachah1:
Those roads were built by the local council years ago actually and the buildings are owned by local businessmen lol. Somalis are quick to give credit to foreigners.
Glad that you specified "Somalis" instead of Somalilanders like you usually do, because this is a problem we all share. Threads like this make me sick. Are we monkeys, that we need foreigners for basic help like water and road paving?


Reformation of Somaliland
Glad that you specified "Somalis" instead of Somalilanders like you usually do, because this is a problem we all share. Threads like this make me sick. Are we monkeys, that we need foreigners for basic help like water and road paving?

Because he's filled with hate, anything positive that happens in somaliland he says it's "Somalis" whereas anything negative he puts SOMALILAND in bold.

The roads in Berbera has been under construction for the last few month under a Somaliland local authority paid by Somaliland taxes.

Bohol is filled with hate towards Somaliland and doesn't want to say anything good. We cold eradicate poverty and he will still find something to shout about
Glad that you specified "Somalis" instead of Somalilanders like you usually do, because this is a problem we all share. Threads like this make me sick. Are we monkeys, that we need foreigners for basic help like water and road paving?

You're nothing short of an idiot, do you know how investment work? The port is being invested in and it's a deal between two governments. Because of that deal, and proven increase in production at the port, the region is seeing more money being pumped into different sectors

But I know the real reason why this thread makes you sick, inshaallah SL will continue to grow while you die of that sickness you vermin
You're nothing short of an idiot, do you know how investment work? The port is being invested in and it's a deal between two governments. Because of that deal, and proven increase in production at the port, the region is seeing more money being pumped into different sectors

But I know the real reason why this thread makes you sick, inshaallah SL will continue to grow while you die of that sickness you vermin
We shouldn't need foreign money for roads fool. Paving roads isn't that expensive, just collecting tax is enough to fund that. We shouldn't have had to sell our best port for pennies to fund basic necessities.
We shouldn't need foreign money for roads fool. Paving roads isn't that expensive, just collecting tax is enough to fund that. We shouldn't have had to sell our best port for pennies to fund basic necessities.

2 points, building roads are FAR from cheap, and you're an idiot if that's what you think. The other point is, how was a port sold? This is just an asinine statement :gucciwhat:
Because he's filled with hate, anything positive that happens in somaliland he says it's "Somalis" whereas anything negative he puts SOMALILAND in bold.

The roads in Berbera has been under construction for the last few month under a Somaliland local authority paid by Somaliland taxes.

Bohol is filled with hate towards Somaliland and doesn't want to say anything good. We cold eradicate poverty and he will still find something to shout about

I knew something changed, last time I was in Berbera there weren't this many roads


Reformation of Somaliland
We shouldn't need foreign money for roads fool. Paving roads isn't that expensive, just collecting tax is enough to fund that. We shouldn't have had to sell our best port for pennies to fund basic necessities.

Not for Pennies, for millions...

Djibouti was broke before DP World stepped in and built them the biggest port in East Africa and now look at them they think they can take on the world.

We're kind of in their place before but in a better situation.

So much hate, guarantee if something bad happened in SL or govt did something won't you won't be saying "Somalis"

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