Ben Shapiro’s 10 rules on how to debate lefties/Sjw/blm

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Inactually like and find #5 interesting

5. Spot Inconsistencies in the Left’s Argument
“The left’s arguments are chock full of inconsistencies. Internal inconsistencies — inconsistencies that are inherent to the left’s general worldview. That’s because very few people on the left will acknowledge their actual agenda, which is quite extreme. Leftists prefer to argue half-measures in which they don’t truly believe…There are almost invariably unbridgeable inconsistencies in the left’s publicly stated positions that are at war with their actual fundamental principles. Your goal is to make the left admit once and for all what they believe about policy by exposing those inconsistencies.”
This part had me thinking “ lefties prefer to argue in half-measures that they don’t truly believe”

I was like wait is this not what 99% of Somali Sjw/blm do?
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I will fucking slap you. Man said Ben Shapiro beats lefties that's like Bill Nye arguing with creationists. So do you watch his BEN SHAPIRO RAPES AND BTFO LEFTWIESS!!1!1!1!
f*ck that little Jewish boy. I hate lefties, but he is not even a good debater. He just talks fast to make what he's saying sound intelligent. Why hasn't the little twerp debated actual socialist/leftist professors who know what the f*ck they're talking about? Instead he goes after the lowest hanging fruit (rabid feminists) and uses them as an example.
People like Jordan Peterson are much more humble and are actually seeking knowledge. This Shapiro looks like a child and he pushes for more war and chaos in the Muslim world. Why are you praising him?


Mr. Savage why do white supremacist and right winger messages appeal to you so much? If you are Somali, trust me they have no love for you even if you try your hardest to gain acceptance. Hate messages will never succeed, love always wins in the end. :)
Mr. Savage why do white supremacist and right winger messages appeal to you so much? If you are Somali, trust me they have no love for you even if you try your hardest to gain acceptance. Hate messages will never succeed, love always wins in the end. :)
Why do Madow message of self victimization and and the left appeal so much to you we know damn well madoows don’t like Somalis?:eek:
Finally some smart Somalis. I didn't know that there were other smart Somalis like me. I thought I was alone


Why do Madow message of self victimization and and the left appeal so much to you we know damn well madoows don’t like Somalis?:eek:

The world is alot bigger than this vs that my friend,
dont invest too much into things you will never be able to change,
instead change comes within urself sxb. Most of these people like alex jones, ben, fox new etc are only doing it for a paycheck, the real tragedy is the impressionable audience. Save urself while u can :)
Mr. Savage why do white supremacist and right winger messages appeal to you so much? If you are Somali, trust me they have no love for you even if you try your hardest to gain acceptance. Hate messages will never succeed, love always wins in the end. :)
thank god our forefathers were not like Savage otherwise we would have been sold into slavery. @SomaliSavage0 would be house negro cause he would love his master the way he worships Ben Shapiro.
The world is alot bigger than this vs that my friend,
dont invest too much into things you will never be able to change,
instead change comes within urself sxb. Most of these people like alex jones, ben, fox new etc are only doing it for a paycheck, the real tragedy is the impressionable audience. Save urself while u can :)
So according to you little eelay boy the whites are doing for money but the “blacks” like Umar Johnson, Talib Kweli and Tariq rashid are not

What sort of stupidity is this:faysalwtf:
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