Bantus in garowe ?


Gabar Majeerteen πŸ’™πŸ€πŸ’š
Yes there are few , a lot of them are refugees who work as cleaners , builders


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
Yhh loads. I've heard majority of the 400,000 people that were registered by puntland were Bantu and D&M. So there must be high numbers. Puntland is a welcoming as well as diverse state.

Maybe one day puntland will have a Bantu or D&M president. That would be nice to see and a show of inclusivity.
Yhh loads. I've heard majority of the 400,000 people that were registered by puntland were Bantu and D&M. So there must be high numbers. Puntland is a welcoming as well as diverse state.

Maybe one day puntland will have a Bantu or D&M president. That would be nice to see and a show of inclusivity.
What’s D&M ?
Loads, there are large IDP camps near Garowe Airport. Same with Bosaso and other places.
They ran to the North to seek safety and employment. The trouble is, lately, they're not being employed as much anymore, because Asians are more skilled, quicker and perhaps even more affordable.
They should be shipped out along with Oromo.
Maybe one day puntland will have a Bantu or D&M president. That would be nice to see and a show of inclusivity.
Never gonna happen.

