Backward Saudi Arabia allows Women to drive

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Weeping for the Nation of 68
Saudi Arabia to allow women to drive
Royal decree announcing decision signed by King Salman will be effective immediately but rollout will take months.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
History has been made this year, Saudi government has agreed to let women drive.


Saudi Arabia announced on Tuesday that it would allow women to drive, ending a longstanding policy that has become a global symbol of the repression of women in the ultraconservative kingdom.

The change, which will take effect in June of next year, was announced on state television and in a simultaneous media event in Washington. The decision highlights the damage that the no-driving policy has done to the kingdom’s international reputation and its hopes for a public relations benefit from the reform.


I have an IQ of 300
All men are threatened by women.
Yes, women are smarter and better in every way than men, we spend every day worrying about what would happen if we paid you the same amount as men or allowed you to drive.
You represent a thread to our fragile masculinities and if you really worked at it, you could even beat us athletically.
Truly, women are Men 2.0.
We are inferior.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Yes, women are smarter and better in every way than men, we spend every day worrying about what would happen if we paid you the same amount as men or allowed you to drive.
You represent a thread to our fragile masculinities and if you really worked at it, you could even beat us athletically.
Truly, women are Men 2.0.
We are inferior.

Shut up.

Educate a man you educate an individual but educate a woman and you educate a nation, accept it, women are better. That's why God made us mothers, nothing better than a mother's love.


I have an IQ of 300
Shut up.

Educate a man you educate an individual but educate a woman and you educate a nation, accept it, women are better. That's why God made us mothers, nothing better than a mother's love.
We need true equality, it is 2017, accept that there are 117 genders, women aren't special, what if I sexually identify as a coffee table?
What then? We all need our rights. You monster.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
We need true equality, it is 2017, accept that there are 117 genders, women aren't special, what if I sexually identify as a coffee table?
What then? We all need our rights. You monster.
Does coffee have gender?

It's 2017, women will take over the world, less crimes, less murders, less buuq.
We need true equality, it is 2017, accept that there are 117 genders, women aren't special, what if I sexually identify as a coffee table?
What then? We all need our rights. You monster.

This move by the Saudis has nothing to do with equality. They don't give two shits about female rights. This is purely for publicity. Saudi Arabia is struggling economically big time. They need women to play a greater role in society if they are to recover. The floating of Saudi Aramco, the diversification of the economy, the opening up of the economy to foreign direct investment, the reduction of red tape on visas and the greater role of women in the workforce are all part and parcel of the same strategy, to reduce dependency on oil and stimulate economic recovery. This is all part of that guys plan [insert Arab name], the defence minister in Saudi. He's gunning for the top job
What I want to know is, what happens to these wadaads who preach women drivers are evil? Do they still command respect in society? Do people still listen politely through their khutbahs? What price do they pay for their views? If a non-Muslim says that Islam oppresses women, they become notorious overnight, and become household names: every Muslim knows who Salman Rushdie and Ayaan Hirsi Ali are, but if a wadaad supports oppressive laws against women in the name of Islam, nobody much remembers who they are even though they are in essence saying that Islam is oppressive. It appears that how you say something is more important than the substance of what you say.

You can insult Islam all you want by making it look backward and medieval so long as you wear a beard and a robe without any consequences. How wonderful.
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