Azealia Banks calls Ilhan Omar ‘Nappy Headed Jih*di B**ch’ during rant

x z

±somali supremacist, anti-inceI&queen in the north
War yaa ilaahay yaaqaan....

So we will know Trumpy got banned, and has led to a lot of conservative outcry. Well, Azealia, whose Twitter also got suspended, decided to join in on the conversation about free speech and censorship on her nee account on Parler, which is the self proclaimed conservative twitter app.

(Ilhan bit at the bottom)


My only comment on her Ilhan insult is we all know that it’s coming from projection, cause Somali and nappy do not go in the same sentence. But go off queen !

Tan wey sixrantahay... literally. She regularly posts her witch activities on IG stories, which I used to follow cause I liked her once upon a time. She regularly hexes people using voodoo too; one girl got into a accident after Azealia hexed her apparently.

Here’s the rest of her unhinged rant


Azealia Banks is not stable. She single handedly ruined her career by feuding and isolating everyone important. She sacrifices chickens in her closet. I don't think anyone takes her seriously they just like the drama she brings
Not you bring alt right with her .......
im not alt right
i think the trump social media ban/restrictions were justified
but there is an exrtreme censorship agenda with these extreme leftist social media companies
white liberal homosexuals are the only protected class on social media.

and america will be a complete shithole when biden is president


Islam wins doesnt take Ls Long Live Somalia 🇸🇴
Azealia Banks is not stable. She single handedly ruined her career by feuding and isolating everyone important. She sacrifices chickens in her closet. I don't think anyone takes her seriously they just like the drama she brings
I love Azalea Banks, she is one of those people that comes for everyone. literally everyone. This girl made colourist jokes, fat jokes, white people jokes loooool.