Axmed Madoobe and Farmajo reach a deal on Garbaharay thanks to Mudane Laftagareen


brother am I wrong in saying Madoobe already got 8 seats from Gedo, the true Gedo seats were 24, it went down to 16 because of greedy Madoobe, 1 more seat does not hurt Farmaajo and its poetic justice if its Wasiirka tiktok's seat.

That was during Farmaajo's tanaasul era. that is all gone. making a deal with blackie is like making a deal with rooble nothing good comes from it and you are back to square 1 after 2 days.

Anyway the nuclear option is available which means none of the jubbaland seats will vote and they wont be sworn in that includes the 27 in kismaayo.

Farmaajo is holding his cards close to his chest he has a lot of options and all the options are in his favor.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
That was during Farmaajo's tanaasul era. that is all gone. making a deal with blackie is like making a deal with rooble nothing good comes from it and you are back to square 1 after 2 days.

Anyway the nuclear option is available which means none of the jubbaland seats will vote and they wont be sworn in that includes the 27 in kismaayo.

Farmaajo is holding his cards close to his chest he has a lot of options and all the options are in his favor.
The deal is done! Madoobe 5 seats Farmaajo 11!



That was during Farmaajo's tanaasul era. that is all gone. making a deal with blackie is like making a deal with rooble nothing good comes from it and you are back to square 1 after 2 days.

Anyway the nuclear option is available which means none of the jubbaland seats will vote and they wont be sworn in that includes the 27 in kismaayo.

Farmaajo is holding his cards close to his chest he has a lot of options and all the options are in his favor.
You are right Madoobe and to be honest Ogaden are bad at keeping agreements and sticking to terms, having said that the election must go forward and not delayed, this is a must ! and another thing I think we are all getting blind sighted by the election, the most important thing that is more important than reelection of Farmaajo is representatives of Beesha Sade getting elected and the right ones representing us. Could not give a rats ass about giirgiir seats, they are bargaining chips, whether Farmaajo gives Madoobe 1 or 2 or all of them, it doesn't hurt me, and honestly I don't think it matters to Farmaajo, what hurts is what Madoobe did with our Senators that freaking hurts, I would give him all the giirgiir seats and some more if he can axe off Fartaag's head and give it to us on a plate.
This zero sum mentality is not going to work, I like how diplomatic Farmaajo is towards Madoobe despite his war crimes in Gedo and Kismaayo, we shall see how this plays out, never back a dog into a corner because it will have no choice but to bite, Farmaajo never backed Madoobe into a corner but it seems Madoobe is trying to do with Farmaajo.

At the end of the day as MX and as OG we should not lose track of the bigger picture, we should improve our relations and the loser after this should not be stomped on like a midgaan, waa inee tolnimo jirto, OG and MX share not only isir but are also oodwadag, our future are linked whether we like it or not.

The line of OGs wanting to work with Farmaajo is miles upon miles, why the MX wanting to work with Madoobe or Cagjar is dwindling due to inagumeed practices of killing innocent people.
While ogadens should work with marehan as a clan, any xalaal ogaden who likes farmaajo needs a head check up. Farmaajo called us terrorists for fighting Ethiopia eventhough ethiopia didnt call us that. He sold qalbi dhagax to tplf. He sanctioned lower juba and kismayo. Those are things we cannot forget but i do agree mx and og should choose coexistence.


While ogadens should work with marehan as a clan, any xalaal ogaden who likes farmaajo needs a head check up. Farmaajo called us terrorists for fighting Ethiopia eventhough ethiopia didnt call us that. He sold qalbi dhagax to tplf. He sanctioned lower juba and kismayo. Those are things we cannot forget but i do agree mx and og should choose coexistence.
Indeed sir, MX is like Germany we wish not to invade Britain or germanic brethren and we treat them with respect dispute or not, war or not, in future we will allow commerce and lift sanctions, however Urur Samaale are like Russia to us, we have no qualms about dishing out Karbash on them if they try anything, unfortunately our OG kith and kin are siding with HG in Gobalada dhexe and are begging for Urur resurrection against the President, this is the problem.

With Madoobe gone OG and MX relations will normalise quickly, we have legitimate demands in DDS while OG have legitimate demands in JL, there is no need for outsiders involvement whether it be Dhaboyaco Kikuyu or Urur Samaale.
Indeed sir, MX is like Germany we wish not to invade Britain or germanic brethren and we treat them with respect dispute or not, war or not, in future we will allow commerce and lift sanctions, however Urur Samaale are like Russia to us, we have no qualms about dishing out Karbash on them if they try anything, unfortunately our OG kith and kin are siding with HG in Gobalada dhexe and are begging for Urur resurrection against the President, this is the problem.

With Madoobe gone OG and MX relations will normalise quickly, we have legitimate demands in DDS while OG have legitimate demands in JL, there is no need for outsiders involvement whether it be Dhaboyaco Kikuyu or Urur Samaale.
Kkkk why are you talking like you don’t come under ogaden in both jl and ogadeniya? Is it a coping mechanism or what ?