avicii dead at 28

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he's probably in hell right now.. so:manny: but allahu alam

i think ur right. You know what aviici means?


In Buddhism, Avīci (Sanskrit and Pali for "without waves" – Japanese and Chinese: 無間地獄, Wújiàn dìyù and 阿鼻地獄, Ābí dìyù) or Avichi, is the lowest Level of the Naraka or "hell" realm, into which the dead who have committed grave misdeeds may be reborn.[1] It is said to be a cube 20,000 yojanas (120,000 to 300,000 kilometres) to a side, buried deep underneath the divine (nonvisible) earth.[2] Avīci is often translated into English as "interminable" or "incessant",[3] due to the idea that those beings that have been sent there languish there eternally. The other hells function more like Purgatory, where after perhaps a few aeons of suffering, one might be reborn as some sort of lowly life-form in a somewhat less horrible place; but, those sent to Avīci Hell are thought to be hopeless of any respite

Abdi Africca

Young Muslim man stuck in Canada.
Good riddance. Another sooth-sayer and Devil child dropped into the blazing inferno, no longer allowed to corrupt the son of Adam. He was duped.

NFL Youngboy, step up to the plate. You're getting pelted next waryaa.
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