Autosomal DNA matches...

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A few months ago, I have decided to take a DNA test to resolve my ancestry. Due to (then) limited budget, I was in a quandary about deciding whether I should take an autosomal test or a Y-DNA12 marker test. Since the haplotype and markers of reer Shanshiyo (Abi Sheikh) are confirmed, I've decided to take an autosomal test to determine my genetic makeup... Banaadiris are on average <5% 'Bantu' with the remainder being Eurasian and Cushitic (Somali). I'm about 30% African (including Somali DNA) and 70% Eurasian. Around 30% of my DNA could be owed to Arabian ancestry...

Every match of mine (albeit having only 4 matches) was either Banaadiri (like me) or Somali. I have one Banaadiri match (he's a cousin of mine) and we share over 200 cms. I have 3 Somali matches overall, two are Majerteen and one 'Ajuraan' (who were known to have lived in the Coast, so it's plausible). I share over 30 cms (which is a considerable amount) with all of my Somali matches. None of them have Banaadiri ancestry though, which means I'm related to them via my Somali ancestors.

My tribe carry the R1a1 haplogroup with Persian markers.

@Amun what do you think fella?

Oh and @T1a, you've recently apprised me about a Banaadiri that has emerged with the MTDNA 'L0f'. I know this individual in person and I have a link to his 23&me... I can assure you that his MTDNA is not a Banaadiri one, I believe his maternal grandmother was Swahili (which means his maternal grandfather must have migrated to Kenya and married a Swahili woman). My MTDNA is Somali without a shadow of a doubt. My maternal great grandmother was Somali... My paternal great grandfather was Somali too (not that this affects the MTDNA). 2/8 of my great grandparents were Somali.


Oberbefehlshaber der Somalier Genetik Gruppe
Well what's your mtdna?
Benadiris from what we know are 50% Horn related 20% south asian 25% mid east (I reckon 15-10 persian-mideast) and Bantu.
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