Australia Democracy Is Terrible


As you know I work for a federal department(highly respected one) and some of the things I see happening there is shocking. The work culture is toxic, it's a 'smile' in your face but their plotting behind the scenes to remove you. So I will give Somalis tips if they ever decide to work in Govt in Australia and if you want to succeed and reach the top.

1. You must have a basic education and degree in some field preferably Finance, HR, IT as most departments will have this function plus their own 'work' as ministry. Their not interested in masters/phd. This sector is about labor only not 'govt policy'. They inherit their policies from whichever govt wins power

2. Always be prepared for change when government changes power. Be prepared for new minister, this minister is corrupt he will send you an email to award all department multi-million dollar contracts to their 'donor party' depending who they are. They will hold 'false' bidding tenders but when the panel comes together to select the winner, they already decided who it is and only going thru the processes and procedures of the department because they fear the auditor inspector department lol

3. If your working as worker, always do what your manager says. You must not kiss his ass, he wants a 'robot' who says 'yes sir' lol. Be prepared to take 'immoral' instructions, he may ask you to be 'tough' on a certain team member due to race or sometimes 'gender' when he couldn't pick up the chick or sometimes he having a bad day. They will test you if your a 'company man' and if u don't never expect a promotion again. The way to bully workers in government is simple. You 'mentally terrorize and exhaust them'. You are taught this early by your manager that you cannot be 'physical' with them due to compensation claims. So the tactic is 'mental terrorism'. The key to mental terrorism is simple. When you speak to them 'adjust your tone and raise it high to embarass him' the reason is you want to cause 'pressure' on him to make mistake, ensure you allocate 'harder' work for him and criticize why he is slowing the team, monitor his emails and criticize why their email sitting for 2 weeks. Their is other tactics but the point is he becomes 'scared and exhausted' he will continue to feel uncomfortable every day after that. This is the writing on the wall. If he is smart worker he will resign immediately, if he is dumb worker, he will put up with it but he will resign in a year time with DEPRESSION, TRAUMA, AND ALL SORTS OF ILLNESS KKKKK. So it's best he goes now.

4. Ask your manager what our section budget is, u got one member to leave our team, u just opened up a promotion for yourself, u keep doing this untill you get to the top. Also attend work functions and make people laugh, the funnier u r, the more they like being around u. So u need to learn how to throw in one line jokes. Never speak about the prime minister or govt that is in power u could LOSE YOUR JOB or Promotion for life as it goes to the Minister who is apart of his cabinet kkkkk.

5. Realize above 120k pay grade there is only 20 at that designated level, at the CIO level there is only 1. All CIO in the city know each other, do not make a mistake here or your 'industry' will ensure you never hired in any private or govt organization.

6. Govt cards especially if your in position of 'spending' prepare your business case all funds need business case. If it's not multi million dollar asset purchases(assigned to political party donors) ensure you know the impact it will have on the department operation. This is taxpayer money so u need to justify strongly financially the reason and the benefit to the department in it's operation. U need business mind at all times. U also need to develop a good relationship with the CIO so they trust you, u need to show a project u did before and the result of it, if he sees that, he is confident.

There you go. That's Dr Osman advice to anyone entering the government field, their not about making money, since it's not their money kkkkkk, their about 'savings' kkkkk they want to return as much to the taxpayer as possible and that depends how much they can slim down operations. Private is different it's profit focused. So don't come into govt acting like private contractor and think this is about WORKING HARD. It's about Working Smart which means you need to be YES MAN kkkkkk.

Now let me be I got a 1 year off work for academic reasons and am online reading my academic journals in my sector and field so I can leave this toxic govt culture and become a consultant and eventually have my own private firm. Nacala idin ku yaale, I am osman mahmoud waryaa, I am nothing like u guys. I do not seek to fight gaalo like u or go out on marches and cry like a , I study the environment I live in and I adjust myself to ensure I reach my financial goals of making 500k a year.


Somalis are addicted to white men societies, U know why I don't talk much about them in any post? Ciyaartooda waan aqana, I am preparing for Jews 120. You guys are stuck worshipping someone who an Osman Mahmoud has conquered like me and abdiqawi. Thats why I know Osman mahmoud is higher IQ then u guys


I am an offical nacas. too honest
Somalis are addicted to white men societies, U know why I don't talk much about them in any post? Ciyaartooda waan aqana, I am preparing for Jews 120. You guys are stuck worshipping someone who an Osman Mahmoud has conquered like me and abdiqawi. Thats why I know Osman mahmoud is higher IQ then u guys
I will admit after reading a lot of your posts, your loooooooooong boring threads. I came to a simple conclusion. You are too smart for your own good. I like you. No, I meant I see you in me. You are the only person that has a solid view of life. Allah gave you comprehension of life, I am glad to read your posts. You make me understand the world in a sensible way. A more practical way. THANK you.

, I meant you have changed me to accept your views in life. I hope you can be something great for the Ummah. Someone I can follow. I have wisdom, I know a leader when I see one. I am a sheep, I know who to follow. You are a pragmatic person. NO bullshitter, you are someone I will follow to the edge of the world. I only ask. As a sheep. An idiotic sheep, when you proceed to cut me. Say Bismillah.