Australia building quarantine “facilities” saying hotels dont work

Polling indicates he will lose. He did a big fock up calling the election thinking his big lead in the polls will remain. His arrogance is finally catching up to him but I'm not excited at the Conservatives winning since they are leftists just like him. Their party platform is to the left of Trudeau. I stopped supporting the Conservatives at 2018 just like I ripped up my Liberal membership in 2015. Both are CCP poodles who make excuses for China. They have given up on the two kidnapped Michaels.

The only option is PPC. I have been door knocking in my riding held by a Liberal bum and everyone is pissed off at the doors. I believe all but 2 GTA ridings are held by the Liberals. In a months time, almost all will be thrown out of office and it warms my heart. Canadians are finally waking up. I thought this country was doomed. There's PPC signs everywhere.

I heard rich Chinese Hong kongers are buying up all the real estate from the few houses Canada has lol.


Minister of Propaganda
When you call them conservatives you liken them to American Republicans.
The National Party are the real conservatives.

The Liberal and National Party are essentially the same party now that they’ve been in a coalition for decades.

In Queensland, they’ve already merged.

The Liberal Party is a bigger evil than the Nationals. The Nationals didn’t produce Pauline Hanson and Peter Dutton.
I heard rich Chinese Hong kongers are buying up all the real estate from the few houses Canada has lol.

There is a lot of that going on but it is a little exaggerated. 1 in 10 australians is of asian decent. People think Chinese people are buying up all the houses when they lose at an auction to an asian person. But it could very well be a third gen Vietnamese person. LOL
There is a lot of that going on but it is a little exaggerated. 1 in 10 australians is of asian decent. People think Chinese people are buying up all the houses when they lose at an auction to an asian person. But it could very well be a third gen Vietnamese person. LOL
I’m talken about Canada idk anything about Australia.


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