AUN Abdulahi Yusuf intended kismaayo to be a puntland administered city

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
Ogaden sorted the matter. That's all that matters.

One needs to know it precisely madoobe himself only wields power in kismayo and its village's around it. The ONLF on the otherhand are wielding some serious political power in ethiopia. You got's to inform the public correctly. Madoobe held on with the support of kenyan and Ethiopian ogadenis.


One needs to know it precisely madoobe himself only wields power in kismayo and its village's around it. The ONLF on the otherhand are wielding some serious political power in ethiopia. You got's to inform the public correctly. Madoobe held on with the support of kenyan and Ethiopian ogadenis.
i'll give you that.
i wonder if ethiopia and kenyan knows that madoobe, onlf and nfd elders are curently creating a powerful ogaden inter-border alliance.
One needs to know it precisely madoobe himself only wields power in kismayo and its village's around it. The ONLF on the otherhand are wielding some serious political power in ethiopia. You got's to inform the public correctly. Madoobe held on with the support of kenyan and Ethiopian ogadenis.
This shows that you have zero clue about the situation on the ground and are instead repeating what you hear from diaspora kids on sspot.

Furthermore ONLF, Ras Kamboni and Kenyan OGs are all working together for the success of Jubaland State.

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
This shows that you have zero clue about the situation on the ground and are instead repeating what you hear from diaspora kids on sspot.

Furthermore ONLF, Ras Kamboni and Kenyan OGs are all working together for the success of Jubaland State.

Yes and without their help Madoobe would be powerless and overthrown in a heartbeat. Saaxib do you understand somali politics ?


Ya'll need to look deeper into things. Formaajo is setting up JL for the endgame. Finish Alshabaab and take jubbaland away in one move. Hence why he is focused on that particular state. Onces he has a strong enough sna he will fight AL shabaab and the militias. This will surely be done once the KFD leaves. The whole horn is implicit in this endeavor.

I would say let the best men win but we all know the militias in JL will succumb to the sna(new advanced troops).

Maybe then we could sit down and tall about finalising the dastuur.

The greatest joke would be if formaajo loses the re election and a pro federalism candidate wins kkkkk the whole nation would blossom it would matter who is regional president because we would have a dastuur at least.
Perfect timing, that “training” is overrated, let the two battle it out an weaken themselves, then send the puntland boys in to take over

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
Stick to puntland matters sxb you're out of your depth.

If it is national security it concerns every Somali. We gave you federalism and a functioning state to observe and learn from but nooo ya'll put madoobe in office and fucked up the state. Now PL has the step up to talk somesense in to you guys. Wa ceeb your people deserve better than this.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
The two largest lineages in the Majeerteen are the Mahmoud Suleiban and the Ali Suleiban (see diagram 11). Many of the Majeerteen politicians and military have come from the Mahmoud Suleiban. In the 1960s the Mahmoud Suleiban dominated Somali politics, with Ali Sharmarke (President 1967), Abdirizak Haji Hussein (Prime Minister 1964), and General Mohamed Abshir (Police Commander). In the 1970s Colonel Abdillahi Yusuf (Omar Mohmoud Suleiban) formed the SSDF and led a guerrilla campaign against the Barre regime. Barre's retribution against the SSDF in the early 1980s forced many Majeerteen, particularly from Mudug, to flee to Kenya and the Gulf states, where they later established substantial business interests. These interests have been important sources of finance for the SSDF and the SNF/SPM at different times.
The Ali Suleiban, in contrast to the Mahmoud Suleiban, are known more as businessmen. Coming from Bari region in north-east Somalia, they have access to the port of Bosasso and financial trading links with the Gulf. In the 19th century many Ali Suleiban traders migrated to Kismayo and are now the largest Majeerteen group in Kismayo.

The Harti therefore claim long-term settlement and trading rights in Kismayo, and cite as evidence the 1968 elections, when the four MPs from Kismayo were all Harti.
You hatred for cismaan maxamud makes you lie and fabricate history

The leader of SSDF political wing was Mohamed Abshir muuse and the leader of SSDF military wing was Abdullahi yusuf

Marxuum Maj. Gen. Maxamed Abshir Muuse oo arbacadii ku geeriyooday dalka Mareykanka waxaa uu taariikh dheer ku lahaa ciidamada Booliiska Soomaaliyeed.

Marxuum Abshir Haammaan, waxaa uu dhashay 1926, isaga oo wax ku soo bartay dalka Talyaaniga, markii uu dalka ku soo labtay waxaa uu gobolka bari ka noqday taliye waaxeed xagga Booliiska ah, waxaana lagu xusuustaa qeybtii uu ku lahaa dhismaha ciidamada Booliiska Soomaaliyeed.

Dhismaha Ciidamada Booliiska:

Dagaalkii Labaad ee Aduunka 1941, waxaa dalkeena la wareegay Ingiriiska, oo waatii laga adkaaday gumeystihii Talyaaniga ee Fajistaha ahaa, dalka oo dhan waxaa qabsaday gumeystaha Ingiriiska, 10kii sano uu Ingiriiska dalka heystay waxaa loo yaqaanay Booliiska Soomaaliyeed Chermarmie.

1950-kii, waxaa dalka dib ugu soo noqday Talyaaniga, Talyaaniga waxaa ay sameeyeen booliis the Corpo di Polizia della Somalia (Police Corps of Somalia) taas oo ay ka soo baxeen Saraakiil badan.

1958: Ra’isul wasaarihii xukuumadii Daakhiliyada Cabdulahi Ciise Maxamud ayaa markii ugu horeysay waxaa uu Booliiska Soomaaliyeed (Forza di Polizia della Somalia ama the Police Force of Somalia) u sameeyay hoggaan cusub, waxaa Madax uu uga dhigay Shakhsi Soomaali ah kaas oo ahaa Maj. Gen. Mohamed Abshir Muse, waxaa qofkii ugu horeeyay ee Soomaali ah oo darajada General loo dalacsiiyo.

Mr. Maxamed Abshir Muuse waxaa uu ahaa shakhsiga dhisay, qalabeeyay iyo isla markaana tayeeyay Ciidamada Booliiska Soomaaliya.

Sanadii 1960kii markii xuriyadda la qaatay waxaa dalka laga hirgaliyay Booliis rasmi ah, waxaa la isku daray Booliiskii Waqooyi iyo Midkii Koofureed, waxaa tiradiisa lagu sheegaa in uu ka koobnaa ilaa 3700 askari.

Rag badan oo Booliiska ka tirsanaa oo hoos tagi jiray Maj. Gen. Mohamed Abshir Muse waxaa loo wareejiyay oo lagu aasaasay ciidamada xoogga dalka, Ragga ugu cadcaddaa ee lagu bilaabay ciidanka xoogga dalka dhamaantood waxaa ay ahaayeen Booliis, Waxaa ka mid ahaa Gashaanleyaal sida Da’ud Cabdulle Xersi, Liiqliiqato, Maxamed Ibrahim iyo rag kale iyo kuwoo Captain ahaa sida Maxamed Siyaad, Ceydiid, Cali Samatar, Gabeyre iyo Cabdulahi Yusuf.

1961-dii waxaa markii ugu horeysey la abuurey unugta haweenka ee booliska Soomaaliyeed, kuwaasi oo u xilsaarnaa baarista dumarka dambiyada gala ama laga galo iyo wax alaale wixii dumarka iyo dambiyada la xiriira.

Ciidamada Booliska Soomaaliyeed ayaa waxyaabaha ay u xilsaarnaayeen waxaa ka mid ah ama qeybaha ay ka koobnaayeen kuwa Roondada, nabadgalyadda waddooyinka, baarista dambiyada, xogdoonka, iyo waliba la dagaalanka falaagonimada.

Saraakiil ka tirsan Ciidamada waxaa ay sheegeen in aanay isku fiicneen Mohamed Abshir Muse iyo Maxamed Siyaad Barre, taas oo aad u soo baxday kadib inqilaabkii 1969-kii, waxaa uu xabsiga ku jiray muddo ka badan 10 sano.

Saraakiishan waxaa ay qabaan in Maxamed Siyaad Barre uu u baqay shacbiyadiisa, 1969-kii waxaa uu marka hore geliyay xabsi guri labo sano kadib ayuu fasaxay, Laakin waxaa uu dib ugu celiyay markii uu arkay in ciidamada iyo Shacabka weli jecel yihiin, markan dambe 9 sano ayuu xabsi adag ku jiray.

1990-1991-dii, Xilligii dagaallada Sokeeye, waxaa uu ka tirsanaa qolada loo yaqaaney “Suluxa”, waxaa uu aad ugu dhawaa Madaxweynihii KMG ahaa Cali Mahdi Maxamed, kadibna waxaa ay hoggaanka SSDF isku qabteen Cabdullahi Yusuf Axmed

1993–1994: waxaa ay sanado badan is hayeen Maxamed Abshir iyo Cabdulahi Yusuf, oo beelahooda ay deegaan bariga Soomaaliya, waxaa uu hoggaamiye garab ka tirsan SSDF ahaa 1991-1998-dii.

Labada garab waxa ay iska soo horjeedeen in muddo ah, waxaa ay ka wada qeybgaleen shirkii dib u heshiisiinta Djibouti June–July 1991- shirkii May–August 2000, in kasta oo Puntland ay degtay markii la dhisay maamulkaasi 24 July 1998.
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If it is national security it concerns every Somali. We gave you federalism and a functioning state to observe and learn from but nooo ya'll put madoobe in office and fucked up the state. Now PL has the step up to talk somesense in to you guys. Wa ceeb your people deserve better than this.

Hearing these guys talk you would think their state is Singapore.

A bit of advice for you sxb. Before you worry about national security you should probably focus on securing your own state's borders from your enemy who is only 30 minutes away.

Wa ceeb, your people deserve better than that.



Hearing these guys talk you would think their state is Singapore.

A bit of advice for you sxb. Before you worry about national security you should probably focus on securing your own state's borders from your enemy who is only 30 minutes away.

Wa ceeb, your people deserve better than that.
There’s no enemy 30 minutes away wtf our allied forces are now near Burco
AUN Abdulahi Yusuf, the visionary.

Jubbaland cannot be Harti ruled state for the reason that we don't have enough people in the neighbouring regions to call for backup. Our stronghold is the North-East but Madoobe is good to our people and to other Somalis.

We have enough businesses and relevance in our lovely city Kismaayo and that's enough.
Most of you online warriors don’t even know how jubbaland is shared between the daroods, the mj’s will always be the governor of kismaayo as it is written in the agreement between the hartis and absame back in the early 1900’s
Most of you online warriors don’t even know how jubbaland is shared between the daroods, the mj’s will always be the governor of kismaayo as it is written in the agreement between the hartis and absame back in the early 1900’s
These clueless diaspora kids don't know the history of the region sxb. Some of them only learned what tribe they hail from a few years ago.


AUN and May god forgive their mistakes, Kismaayo and JL as a whole has seen too much conflict and too many lives lost like the Somali version of game of thrones. I hope that our people finally get everlasting peace and the people of JL get the chance to live out their dreams :)
As long jubbaland is run by OG waliba Mxmd Zuber , MJ will prosper. The antithesis of MJs is B.oon Cawaan ah oo mamul hayo. OG waa civilized ahlu diin.