Atheists, would you ever be in a serious relationship with a Muslim? (poll)

Serious relationship with a Muslim?

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Atheism is for young intellectuals with something to prove. The Bishop wants to prove he's got a bigger dick than you AKA bigger IQ. Alxamdulilah God gave me a low IQ. I have nothing to prove, and wouldn't know how to even if I did. If this wasn't a "my junk is bigger than yours" contest, @ArchBishopofAtheism would repose in the dignified elegance of deism. That's a reasonable outlook for a man who equates Allah with the bloodthirsty dictator that Salafis make him out to be, and it has the virtue of explaining the origins of the cosmos which aythyists have trouble doing. So why are clever kids like @ArchBishopofAtheism, @PiratePrincess, @VixR, @Adheer Warsame, @AussieHustler, and @El padrone not deists? Because of peeps like you: You denounce scientific truths like evolution and then you wonder why people think Islam is backwards? Ilaahay ka cabso waryaa ee guska Wahabbiga futadaa ka bixi. Evolution waa sax.

You both have something to prove, he that he is smarter than you, and you that you are anti-Western. When you reach my ripe old age, you will stop defining your beliefs against other people's. Idol worshipping Hindus invented the number zero. We admire them for revolutionising mathematics. Followers of a crucified God discovered gravity. We thank them for adding to our store of knowledge. The Chinese invented paper and gunpowder. Nobody has a monopoly on truth. Allah has blessed all communities. Except it seems Somalis. Because we still have people in this day and age who think primitive Saudi educated wadaads who've got massive pubic hair on their chin are greater authorities on biology than PhD holding scientists. Why can't we believe in Allah subxana waa tacaala and evolution? Come to my dugsi. I will educate you saxib. The Bishop is invited too.
You're drawing strange parallels. A deist in believing in a supernatural diety is only a sort of type of theist, one that thinks the diety is not interacting with it's creation. Even though, imo, they make far, far more sense than theists, bc "holy books" from World religions are so obviously manmade and cross-contrived from much older religions and worship systems, and it would explain away a lot the obvious wackiness to be able to rightfully determine these 'revelation' artifacts and "miracles" as as being human-derived nonsense, and do away with the idea of the personal god altogether, there's still no reason to believe in what they're (the deists) are selling either. It's not that I have something to prove, it's that I have nothing to prove and no reason to believe in any of it. Deism in no way explains the origin of the cosmos as it holds the same creationist stance theism does. In essence, all deism does is explain away the obvious flaws and stupidities of theism. And I don't consider myself an intellectual, per se.
You're drawing strange parallels. A deist in believing in a supernatural diety is only a sort of type of theist, one that thinks the diety is not interacting with it's creation. Even though, imo, they make far, far more sense than theists, bc "holy books" from World religions are so obviously manmade and cross-contrived from much older religions and worship systems, and it would explain away a lot the obvious wackiness to be able to rightfully determine these 'revelation' artifacts and "miracles" as as being human-derived nonsense, and do away with the idea of the personal god altogether, there's still no reason to believe in what they're (the deists) are selling either. It's not that I have something to prove, it's that I have nothing to prove and no reason to believe in any of it. Deism in no way explains the origin of the cosmos as it holds the same creationist stance theism does. In essence, all deism does is explain away the obvious flaws and stupidities of theism. And I don't consider myself an intellectual, per se.
Fair enough young woman. My analysis does not ring true for you. Afterall it's hard to prove you've got a bigger dick when you are dickless. You look better without it.

You're a bit rough on deism aren't you my little pet. Tom Paine and Tom Jefferson belonged to the D tribe. Are you against the Two Toms? That's no way to treat your revered sheikhs is it? Not even a dirty theist like me would profane their holy name. What a strange unbeliever you are. Be careful: next you will blaspheme the great mufti Hitchens.

How about we meet up at my place and continue our confabulation sweetheart? Since you reject deism, I wanna hear you expound the multiverse theory to me, or has it graduated from theory these days?
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