Atheists what would you do?

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Intellectual saqajaan
I always leave my somalispot account open and leave my phone on tables. People have gone through my account and I’m assuming they noticed my username. What would you do if you accidentally qarxised yourself to a rabid wahhabi? In my case everyone I interact with has a sense that I’m atheist.
They give the same lecture. God gave your health, senses and life. Why can't you spend 24 minutes to thank him everyday?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You have every right to be ashamed imagine deceiving and committing treason against your own kith and kin an apostate is not loyal to no one not even the womb that bore it.


Queen of the light
Wtf are you talking about I’m bi-Muslim I choose to be one Monday and Tuesday I’m out partying and don’t give a shit, I’m part time Muslim now :). Who cares, live your life. Nobody has a right to kill someone just becuase he or she is no longer believing. Sounds like an insecure religion to me. One which forces its followers to believe in something. Such a religion has no place in humanity. No love just hell submission and weird rituals.
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