Atheists have no place in Somalia

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War caadi iska dhig. You just proved my point. If they were indeed in the prophet's presence they would've converted or been given chances. How is the Prophet trading them like cows in the market in exchange for horses. Abu Jahal was a gaal til the end why wasn't he traded ever?
What the heck? They did not accept Islam, it's as simple as that. That doesn't mean the prophet (SAW) didn't give them da3wa. The prophet (SAW) never forced his religion on others.

Jabir (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
I went in an expedition along with the Prophet (ﷺ) in the direction of Najd. When Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) returned, I also returned with him. Then the mid-day sleep overtook us in a valley full of prickly shrubs. Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) got down and the people scattered around seeking shade under the trees. Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) hang up his sword on the branch of a tree. We were enjoying a sleep when Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) called us, and lo! There was a desert Arab bedouin near him. He (ﷺ) said, "This man brandished my sword over me while I was asleep. I woke up and saw it in his hand unsheathed. He asked: `Who will protect you from me?' I replied: 'Allah' - thrice". He did not punish him and sat down.

And in a narration of Abu Bakr Al-Isma`ili, the polytheist asked: "Who will protect you from me?'' Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) replied, "Allah.'' As soon as he said this, the sword fell down from his hand and Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) catching the sword, asked him, "Who will protect you from me.'' He said, "Please forgive me.'' Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "On condition you testify that there is none worthy of worship but Allah and that I am His Messenger.'' He said, "No, but I promise you that I shall not fight against you, nor shall I be with those who fight with you". The Prophet (ﷺ) let him go. He then went back to his companions and said: "I have come to you from one of the best of mankind".

You are a liar and everyone is aware of that. You are making a fool out of yourself. No one is falling for your nonsense.


What did I lie about? Why wasn't Abu Jahl traded? I don't think the Prophet pbuh ever enslaved people or traded them gaal or not.


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What did I lie about? Why wasn't Abu Jahl traded? I don't think the Prophet pbuh ever enslaved people or traded them gaal or not.
Abu Jahl wasn't traded because he wasn't a slave. He wasn't captured in a war. The only way someone can be enslaved is when there's a war. Something worser than enslavement happened to Abu Jahl. He was murdered in the battle of Badr.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
These Somali apostates vermin despise everything about our religion, they cunningly try to discredit it, they know deep down they will never be accepted by Somalis. A Muslim from Iceland will be accepted whereas a Somali apostate will be rejected, & sentenced to death cause Somalia is governed by the shariah law. There's no such thing as a Somali apostate ever being embraced by the wider Somali society. There main aim is to mislead other Somalis & brain wash them with their constant indoctrination that they've learned from their gaal brethrens, just look at Abdi brown nosing the cracker Johnson there's no need to guess where his loyalty lies, have you noticed how these apostates always venerate their fellow gaals while ostracising their so called fellow Somalis,it doesn't take a genius to work out what team their playing for. Waa cadowga ummada somali'eed maxa raban ina impressionable kids maskaxda ka xaadan liidii ba ku yihiin xasaalooni bay abuuri karan, maxa weeye maryoole cadowgan apostateska gacan biir ah ina lugu qabta.


For once I agree with cognitive dissonance. There's something wrong with Somali atheists. They hate Somalis and other Muslims in a very deep way. They forget the horrors Canadian and American peacekeepers inflicted on helpless Somali children like roasting them over a fire or beating them to death and posing with the dead bodies like poachers do to animals they've killed. Being white and non Muslim doesn't make you a better person. They've become mentally enslaved.
For once I agree with cognitive dissonance. There's something wrong with Somali atheists. They hate Somalis and other Muslims in a very deep way. They forget the horrors Canadian and American peacekeepers inflicted on helpless Somali children like roasting them over a fire or beating them to death and posing with the dead bodies like poachers do to animals they've killed. Being white and non Muslim doesn't make you a better person. They've become mentally enslaved.

Atheists like AbdiJohnson are diseased mentally. Even during the Somnet days, he would call me an Arab bootyclapper whenever I called him out on sneak-dissing Islam. Even when Arabs were never mentioned in the conversation, he would somehow bring them up and make the argument about them. Eventually his true colors came out on Somnet and he was banned for hurling insults at Muslims, Islam, the Prophet Muhammad, and Allah.

They whine about tolerance but they're the ones who are intolerant.


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Atheists like AbdiJohnson are diseased mentally. Even during the Somnet days, he would call me an Arab bootyclapper whenever I called him out on sneak-dissing Islam. Even when Arabs were never mentioned in the conversation, he would somehow bring them up and make the argument about them. Eventually his true colors came out on Somnet and he was banned for hurling insults at Muslims, Islam, the Prophet Muhammad, and Allah.

They whine about tolerance but they're the ones who are intolerant.
What a disgraceful dog he is
Slavery was common among all the people, but you can see their worth was higher depending on the race they were. The prophet who you say preaches equality clearly placed more value on the life of that Arab compared to the black ones

Where in the hadith does it mention they were non muslims? It does put an emphasis on that they were black however
Nope prophet Mohamed never ever discriminated upon color and I will giver a lists of companions around prophet Mohamed who were black
Muhammad wasn't racist because of a few token black Muslim former slaves? Not buying it. Maybe you didn't know but Abd is used as a derogatory term for blacks to this present day, this is the society Muhammad left behind. Muhammad kept slaves and traded in them, whether they were Muslim or not I am calling him out for it.

Middle Eastern countries were the last to officially "abolish slavery" (it still goes on today). I wonder why?

Muhammad called people to pray to an "All Merciful" God who didn't have the mercy to outright abolish slavery? 114 chapters, plenty of space to mention such a prohibition and yet Allah saw fit to give an entire to chapter just to get back at the uncle Muhammad hated: Abu Lahab (an eternal diss!), giving permission for Muhammad to marry the ex-wife of his adopted son, banning Muhammad's wives from re-marrying, etc. That it would disrupt the economy is not a reasonable humane excuse for it. Mohammad's conflicts of interest are so blatantly obvious. You must see this?

Slavery was kept because it was good for the Quraish and the Meccans. Business as usual. Arabs have used and continue to use Islam in an attempt to rule the world, that is all. If Muhammad had his way, you would all be subject to Quraish rule to this day. Muhammad looked out for himself and his tribe.

"This matter (khilafah) will remain with Quraish even if only two of them were still existing." (Sahih Bukhari Vol. 9, Book 89, Num. 254)

A secular atheist Somalia has a chance to truly prosper, education + tolerance + free thinking is the only way forward. However without it, you may as well keep clawing at each other. Tribalism + Islam + Poverty is a molotov cocktail, you have witnessed the results.

Side note: Anyone wish to sign up as a Muslim slave?

Seems Islam didn't even give the Muslim slave a break. Why does Allah have such a hard-on for protecting the interest of slave masters?

"When the slave runs away from his master, his prayer is not accepted."

So much for that mercy.

It does come with benefits though. Allah had an incentive plan in place for the slave masters to keep their Muslim slaves in line, so kind of him.

Allah's Messenger said, "A pious slave gets a double reward."

If God truly exists it certainly isn't the Allah brought to us by Muhammad. He's Allah sounds like a 7th Century Arab with 7th Century Arab interests. Which makes sense if Muhammad wrote the Quran, with help from of his inner circle of course. No doubt.
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Do you see what I'm talking about people? Give these Atheists a tiny little opening and their outright lies and misrepresentations on the Deen will come full-force. All this guy is doing is repeating old refuted arguments, and he will continue to talk about these issues so he could deliberately confuse Muslims regarding their Deen. All of you Muslims who call me out for being "intolerant" really need to pay attention to what I'm saying. I've dealt with these Atheists for years on the internet, and I know them inside and out. Every single argument which they've posed against Islam I've heard before, and I've read and even personally created response articles against their outright lies against Islam.

My intolerance for these Atheists is not coming from a place of ignorance, but rather a place of experience.
I know these people well-enough to know that their intentions are not to just live their life of godless disbelief, but to actively spread misinformation about the Deen and deliberately confuse practicing and non-practicing Muslims who may not have the tools to effectively respond to their lies. The average Somali Muslim, especially in North America, does not know how to deal with these types of arguments since they haven't really been exposed to it before. Sure, they've gone to dugsi and know some general aspects regarding the Aqeedah and Fiqh, but they have no experience dealing with missionary-style arguments posed against the Deen, and thus are easily confused by some well-spoken but manipulative Atheist. The funny thing is, I've seen this argument before, and I've seen plenty of Muslim authors and scholars respond to these sorts of arguments thoroughly.

Wake the f*ck up people. This is not a joke, this isn't something to be taken lightly.

Do you see what I'm talking about people? Give these Atheists a tiny little opening and their outright lies and misrepresentations on the Deen will come full-force. All this guy is doing is repeating old refuted arguments, and he will continue to talk about these issues so he could deliberately confuse Muslims regarding their Deen. All of you Muslims who call me out for being "intolerant" really need to pay attention to what I'm saying. I've dealt with these Atheists for years on the internet, and I know them inside and out. Every single argument which they've posed against Islam I've heard before, and I've read and even personally created response articles against their outright lies against Islam.

My intolerance for these Atheists is not coming from a place of ignorance, but rather a place of experience.
I know these people well-enough to know that their intentions are not to just live their life of godless disbelief, but to actively spread misinformation about the Deen and deliberately confuse practicing and non-practicing Muslims who may not have the tools to effectively respond to their lies. The average Somali Muslim, especially in North America, does not know how to deal with these types of arguments since they haven't really been exposed to it before. Sure, they've gone to dugsi and know some general aspects regarding the Aqeedah and Fiqh, but they have no experience dealing with missionary-style arguments posed against the Deen, and thus are easily confused by some well-spoken but manipulative Atheist. The funny thing is, I've seen this argument before, and I've seen plenty of Muslim authors and scholars respond to these sorts of arguments thoroughly.

Wake the f*ck up people. This is not a joke, this isn't something to be taken lightly.

Take a chill pill man. I'm going to need to hear your justifications for why the Quran is not explicit about the prohibition of slavery. Let's hear it. Also, none of that Allah couldn't do it at the time and wanted the gradual disappearance of slavery. You limit and insult the power of your God by saying such things.

God says "be and it is" right?
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