Asian beauty supply owner slams black woman to the ground for stealing fake eyelashes

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@HILIB-CUNE I fear this culture of Somali clothes shops business in the west is dying though with the older aunties. The new younger halimos don't know shit about business nor do they have connections. They might end up like African American women one day.

@HILIB-CUNE I fear this culture of Somali shops business in the west is dying though with the old habros. The new younger
halimos don't know shit about business nor do they have connections. They might end up like African American women one

u r right that they dont have that knowledge of how to pool resources and build things together. but there are alot of young creative xalimos that will do even more amazing things. i have hope.


@HILIB-CUNE There is another woman in MN that makes her own Sauce for a big company, good to see the business spirit is
not dying. However nothing beats the original habros (inventors of hagbad) :lol: , they realized pulling their resources
together and opening shops together inside malls they can all succeed.
I worked in Loss Prevetion, and choking isn't aloud. However, since he was the store owner, it's up to him(store rules) or state laws on choking.

He should have not choke her at all. He should've let her leave and then fill out a police report with surveillance evidence.

But, also, at store that I worked at, the local police didn't work on shoplifting cases that often and it would be frustrating to have the same people stealing over & over again.

So, either the guy is crazy or just tired of having ghetto trash coming in and stealing all the time.

In australia the security guards can't touch nobody. They just have to hope that the people cooperate lmao. A friend told me his colleague lost his job because he grabbed a womans purse as she was trying to run away. He didn't even touch her kkkkkkk.

Only self defence is allowed.
In australia the security guards can't touch nobody. They just have to hope that the people cooperate lmao. A friend told me his colleague lost his job because he grabbed a womans purse as she was trying to run away. He didn't even touch her kkkkkkk.

Only self defence is allowed.
I agree no man should place his hands on women. Period.


+op MVLI
In australia the security guards can't touch nobody. They just have to hope that the people cooperate lmao. A friend told me his colleague lost his job because he grabbed a womans purse as she was trying to run away. He didn't even touch her kkkkkkk.

Only self defence is allowed.
Is it just me or are East Asians severly lacking in empathy
All they care about is money they could not give a f*ck about human life :mjlol:
Black people would rather protest for government aid than start their own businesses :snoop:

There are dozens of black owned business, they make a fortune on hair products alone and are actually quite good at supporting each other. Where else would I get my shea moisturizer products from?? :drakekidding:

I worked in Loss Prevetion, and choking isn't aloud. However, since he was the store owner, it's up to him(store rules) or state laws on choking.

He should have not choke her at all. He should've let her leave and then fill out a police report with surveillance evidence.

But, also, at store that I worked at, the local police didn't work on shoplifting cases that often and it would be frustrating to have the same people stealing over & over again.

So, either the guy is crazy or just tired of having ghetto trash coming in and stealing all the time.

How is she ghetto??? she didn't even do shit, the stupid c*nt just assumed she was like u did :ohlord:
The Asian man was in no immediate danger and had no proof the woman stole something -- he could have killed her quite easily. The woman deserves a whole lot more than an apology from that 'man'.


Not your typical Farah
There are dozens of black owned business, they make a fortune on hair products alone and are actually quite good at supporting each other. Where else would I get my shea moisturizer products from?? :drakekidding:

How is she ghetto??? she didn't even do shit, the stupid c*nt just assumed she was like u did :ohlord:

If you steal then thats the treatment you'll get. Gotta give the man respect for protecting his business.
Absolutely, today they steal eyelashes, tomorrow they steal ur chicken and watermelon, then the day after it's the kool-aid, then its ur food stamps, and when u finally stand up for urself they send that snake " brotha Awl Shop-ton", once that happens you can kiss ur ass goodbye cause it's ova son.

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