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What would you as a person if given the chance to govern the Somali people as President change in our society and customs?
What would you as President like to accomplish?
What category would you first consider building?

I've created this to note how we as people could change the future of our grand children. What would you like to see done?

i don't think we can ever reach a peak where unity can be formed if there's not a federal military consisting of the army, marines, navy and air force. A nation with its military means a nation that can secure its boarders and ambush any outside and inside threat to the Somali people. Without a solid military consisting of every single tribe, we will be governed by the Suadis, Ethiopians, Kenyans and what ever nations they who govern us choose to bring into our shores.
No Kenyan or Ethiopian will die for the liberty of our people.
We must build an army, ten times stronger than that off Siyad Barre. When this is being done, we must never build this army in terms of ever taking them to war. We've had enough war and bloodshed. We must build this army in terms of defense. If given the chance i would spend 40-60% of the nations wealth for nearly 10 years in terms of building a highly equipped military with the latest tags, snipes, tanks, naval ships, and air force. By securing our nation as a whole. Every nation will hesitate twice before thinking of striking us. Highly trained Police force. Their own police cars, pistols, handcuffs.
There's nothing wrong with borrowing ideas from developed nations. Each police officer will have a ride along partner.
The roads will be built, so cops can access streets cruising in their vehicles rather than, "mobbing" it with an AK.
Each officer will be trained, tested, and of course scamed for khat and any other drugs in his system.
I understand the amount of resources in my country, i would even step out my way to make sure my nation becomes the only 3rd world country that pays each single solider $3000 a year.
This would mean the country would need to spend 48 BILLION dollars a year on the military. This would mean a lot of men will sign up to become solider's. Each has to pass the exams.
Peace and prosperity comes with a security.
Secure our boarders with our military.
Secure our states with our Police.
That's what i gotta say.


Come on. Another insecure Somali waving another man's flag.


Citizen of Southwest State
The Kenyan flag is my flag and the flag of millions of Somali citizens in Kenya. Accept that Somalia is finished. It will never be resurrected.
strict military dictatorship. dabodhliifs will receive jail sentences. i will let the neighboring countries know of our expansionist goals. not only of somali territories but muslim territories, this includes places such as harar and lamu etc, :damedamn:


Citizen of Southwest State
Somalia is being carved up by its neighbors and this xoolo dare utters the words "expansionist goals" in reference to a nonexistent Somali ambition. Hopes of Somali expansion died in 1977. You're a pathetic dog but even dogs dream. :drakekidding:


The Kenyan flag is my flag and the flag of millions of Somali citizens in Kenya. Accept that Somalia is finished. It will never be resurrected.
You're lucky the British arrived and toke control of Kenya, we as Somalis would've dominated you Bantus. NFD was signed over to you after the Brits robbed everything of you. I'm not even worried about Kenya. You are the least relevant.
A dream starts with Muqdisho's security.
We've got more resources in Somalia than perhaps East Africa put together. A Kenyan can never threaten a trained Somali solider, who is properly fed and paid on the regular.
Somalia is being carved up by its neighbors and this xoolo dare utters the words "expansionist goals" in reference to a nonexistent Somali ambition. Hopes of Somali expansion died in 1977. You're a pathetic dog but even dogs dream. :drakekidding:

this is only a temporary set back, don't worry we will treat the 0.5ers well, you maybe be increased to 1 when your fellow bantus arrive after the expansion :mjlol:


Citizen of Southwest State
You're lucky the British arrived and toke control of Kenya, we as Somalis would've dominated you Bantus. NFD was signed over to you after the Brits robbed everything of you. I'm not even worried about Kenya. You are the least relevant.
A dream starts with Muqdisho's security.
We've got more resources in Somalia than perhaps East Africa put together. A Kenyan can never threaten a trained Somali solider, who is properly fed and paid on the regular.

Keep telling yourself that as Kenya strong-arms your waters with the blessing of the international community. :drakekidding:


strict military dictatorship. dabodhliifs will receive jail sentences. i will let the neighboring countries know of our expansionist goals. not only of somali territories but muslim territories, this includes places such as harar and lamu etc, :damedamn:
I prefer building the 7. From Somaliland to Jubaland.
After building the military. We can privately sign contracts and cooperate with gorilla groups within Ethiopia.
I believe if we armed the Oromos to the teeth, and created a cause for them. We will come to see the creation of a new state in the Horn of Africa. The Somalis in Kenya can march and protest which will funded by the Somali government.
If people protest in search of unity with Somalia, no one can reject those people and their wishes. I'd rather share a boarder with Oromo's then the Habash. Lets focus on building Somalia, we can use modern war techniques instead of entering a nation. A war with either Ethiopia and Kenya would mean the West allying their egos with the gaalos. So we outta play smart, even play peacekeeping missions in Ethiopia to fight the same gorilla groups we funded. (As an ally of Ethiopia)
All in this while creating a new nation, and retaking the Ogaden and Harar, alongside other states within Oromia that can be annexed if Somalis are present.
Somalia doesn't need a huge military. Whatever lil resources we have, should be invested in education, job creation and building our infrastructure.
As a President of Federal Somalia, I would reform the constitution and economy of the country. I would put in place strict transparency to prevent tyrannic, corrupted, and nepotism rule in the foreseeable future.

All Somali men will be mandatory to participate in community service/military for 2 years.

I would also give Federal government the jurisdiction on all public land in Somalia the sole responsibility of distributing land.


*Enters office**
Removes Somalia from Arab league.
*Calls Djibouti*
proposes it leaves the Arab league likewise.

Arab spring flushed with anger*

Somalia dails China and the U.S.


US is a bad choice - they just want military positions to terrorise the Middle East with to get cheaper oil. Same with Europe.


US is a bad choice - they just want military positions to terrorise the Middle East with to get cheaper oil. Same with Europe.

I'd rather the U.S use my airspace and build a base so our connection strengthens.
They will sell you weapons, and build your nation if cooperation is involved.
A base in Berbara and Kismaayo would mean less outside threats because of the U.S.
hence Djibouti. Either way. even if we fought the U.S will still get its base. Its a superpower.
Why not use this as an advantage and work with America, allowing them to bomb Arabs.
This would be train troops, and even if Somalia fucked up. The U.S being an ally might work things out.


But, what do you think we should do? I'm curious about other opinions.


They take what they can and then bomb you to smithereens when they're done or you disagree on something. USA is waste of time - and too risky.
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