Are you smarter than the average person?

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  • No

  • I am dayooth

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Ugaas of the supreme gentleman
According to my past academic achievements yeah. Really, I don't truly know. Maybe I tried harder, maybe I got lucky and maybe I only got higher grades because of my upbringing.

Who knows


Engineer of Qandala
Reer 68 IQ :wow1:
70 IQ is the threshold for mental retardation according to medical manuals. This data is from DSM IV.

V62.89Borderline Intellectual FunctioningIQ 71-84
317Mild Mental RetardationIQ 50-55 to approximately 70
318.0Moderate RetardationIQ 35-40 to 50-55
318.1Severe Mental RetardationIQ 20-25 to 35-40
318.2Profound Mental RetardationIQ below 20 or 25


I do something called "what I want"
Everyon'e gonna say yes obviously. I said it too

but the true measure of intelligence is success. If you're smart, you'd have to be really unlucky to fail in life. If you're stupid, you'd have to be really lucky to succeed. Besides that there is no such way of measuring intelligence. Not even IQ

IQ tests only measure your memory, logic, and pattern detection skills. Not decision making, comprehension, creativity, intuition, or simple common sense. Anybody who thinks that their IQ or their school grade defines them are already stupid in my books.


I do something called "what I want"
68 IQ doesn't even register for a janitor :dead1:
You're seriously overestimating 68 IQ, 68 IQ is mentally retarded, handicapped. A complete idiot who has no level of logic and can't put 2 and 2 together. Which is why it's crazy people think a whole nation could AVERAGE that (meaning there are people below it, and most people are in that range). 68 IQ is mostly found in people with down syndrome, the same people who can't live by themselves or take care of themselves. In fact that's high acting down syndrome or severe retardation. 70 - 80 IQ are where you find most downies.


Nobody will admit that they are below average :drakelaugh:
Some might come out and admit they are average but other than that I doubt any sspoter will admit they are well below average in their academics

a y a n

nigga I am not a firefighter
academically, meh, how bad I am in certain subjects/areas balances everything out so no, I don’t think so
Jared 19 and I don’t know how to reaaaaaddd:damedamn:
intellectually, I dunno
No? :manny:
somalis as a whole aren’t the biggest intellectuals, would a group that was above average in intelligence let this severe of a conflict go on for over 25 years? :mjlol::kodaksmiley:

