Are you a believer in God?

For an individual that isn't interested in it but on a societal level religion is useful draconian or not.

Islamic societies are the most scientifically umderdevloped with one university in Britain producing more then the whole Islamic world.

Islamic societies are also more violent and dictatorial leading to an uptick in divinely sactioned persecution.

Islam in any view is not wholly positive.


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Islamic societies are the most scientifically umderdevloped with one university in Britain producing more then the whole Islamic world.

Islamic societies are also more violent and dictatorial leading to an uptick in divinely sactioned persecution.

Islam in any view is not wholly positive.
For a long time it was a few islamic institutions in Baghdad outproducing all of Europe. I think the problem is a turn to religious radicalization stifling any acceptance of knowledge with the decline of notable muslim empires. Then an anti-scientific culture develops and you get a people who fester in ignorance and who will reject new science.
Islamic societies are the most scientifically umderdevloped with one university in Britain producing more then the whole Islamic world.

Islamic societies are also more violent and dictatorial leading to an uptick in divinely sactioned persecution.

Islam in any view is not wholly positive.


Omar del Sur

Why is science even taken as so important?

People who reject Islam go to hell even if they build space ships.

Science is honestly not that important. Muslims should become non Muslims because Europeans have more technology?

I think I'd rather worship Kali than worship technology. What a boring religion to worship technology. At least Kali is more interesting. What do you if you worship technology? You learn to recite the periodic table of elements and make sujood to a printer?


What a boring religion.
One thing you need to understand is that evolution is as real as gravity

The story of Adam is allegorical because the Qur’an, unlike the Bible, does not use proper names; Adam and his fall refer to more of the concept of human weakness rather than the story of a specific individual. The only way to reconcile the creation story and modern science is for Adam's story to be allegorical.
Bismilah, Are you trying to say Adam (as) story is metaphorical? Adams story is real. He was the first Human being then Allah created Hawa (Eve) which produced Mankind as we know it today. If you read his story in the Quran and Sahih Hadiths, it's obvious his story was real and it wasn't "metaphorical."

