Are Women more emotional then Men 🤔


I put Books to the Test of Life

Please do research before arguing. 75% of marriages in the West don’t end in divorce. It’s in fact 40%.

The 75% of women filing measures who filed more, not the overall divorce rate.

It’s difficult debating with someone who doesn’t understand basic statistics which is why you should humble yourself and read more instead of debating.

Peace I’m out.
Stop putting words in my mouth you argumentative Femcel I Never said 75% of marriages in the west are in divorce, am sure the 75% is the percentage of women who file for the divorces which Cleary said in the video I attached. The west will reach that point of 75% divorce rate I promise.

Basic Statistics? same one who persists in relying on the unreliable guesswork of Somalia's divorce rate, despite it being explicitly acknowledged as inaccurate with no accompanying field study. As previously demonstrated, this claim was debunked using a research paper, revealing the flaws in the presented data, maybe learn to read next time instead of always trying to be controversial or looking for something to argue on every time.
Girl really thinks she somehow solved the cure for cancer :pachah1: Not single Yapping you did changed the Fact 75% of Divorces are filed by women and majority is not abuse nor cheating but their whims and emotions.

and you still haven't brought that Mystery paper that Couple therapy sessions was the decision of women and they dragged their husbands to come.

Exist smoothly as you should.:heh:
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Men are more likely to die by suicide and less likely to engage in help-seeking behaviour. Women have more and stronger social support networks than men, irrespective of marital status. Men have a harder time articulating their emotions and are more likely to suffer from subclinical levels of emotional blindness.

Jordan Peterson is a pop psychologist and has been slammed for his Islamophobic takes. My advice is for him to take care of his mental and physical health rather than dispensing his hackneyed soundbites.
It's not that men have a hard time "articulating their emotions" it is because we understand that no one really gives a shit how we feel. So the average man gets on with it regardless.
Stop putting words in my mouth you argumentative Femcel I Never said 75% of marriages in the west are in divorce, am sure the 75% is the percentage of women who file for the divorces which Cleary said in the video I attached. The west will reach that point of 75% divorce rate I promise.
Why resort to insults? Did I insult you? If someone misunderstood you, you insult them? You clearly have an issue with dealing with and putting a lid on your emotions. Calm down and breath. This is an issue with a lot of modern men. They’re definitely more emotional than their forefathers. That’s for sure.
Basic Statistics? same one who persists in relying on the unreliable guesswork of Somalia's divorce rate, despite it being explicitly acknowledged as inaccurate with no accompanying field study. As previously demonstrated, this claim was debunked using a research paper, revealing the flaws in the presented data, maybe learn to read next time instead of always trying to be controversial or looking for something to argue on every time.
Girl really thinks she somehow solved the cure for cancer :pachah1: Not single Yapping you did changed the Fact 75% of Divorces are filed by women and majority is not abuse nor cheating but their whims and emotions.
So when the 30% of medieval Islamic societies divorce rates were mostly initiated by men, was that due to whims and emotions? In the West it stands at 40% in the Muslim world it was around 30-40% and Muslim jurists and scholars recorded it at around 3/10 women being divorced. Was that due to emotions?

I want to see how consistent you are?

and you still haven't brought that Mystery paper that Couple therapy sessions was the decision of women and they dragged their husbands to come.

Exist smoothly as you should.:heh:
Here it is, I hardly make claims I can’t back up:



Also, read this paper about who initiates divorce more and the reasonings and other studies:

Happy reading. Btw, if you feel like women initiating therapy and outside help for their marriage isn’t something that can be accurately assessed, it’s the same for women filing for divorce since according to studies that too is to clarify further: the statistics are usually based on self reports of who initiated a divorce. Hence you can’t dismiss one and not the other.
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I put Books to the Test of Life
Why resort to insults? Did I insult you? If someone misunderstood you, you insult them? You clearly have an issue with dealing with and putting a lid on your emotions. Calm down and breath. This is an issue with a lot of modern men. They’re definitely more emotional than their forefathers. That’s for sure.

So when the 30% of medieval Islamic societies divorce rates were mostly initiated by men, was that due to whims and emotions? In the West it stands at 40% in the Muslim world it was around 30-40% and Muslim jurists and scholars recorded it at around 3/10 women being divorced. Was that due to emotions?

I want to see how consistent you are?

Here it is, I hardly make claims I can’t back up:

View attachment 317107
View attachment 317108

Also, read this paper about who initiates divorce more and the reasonings and other studies:

Happy reading. Btw, if you feel like women initiating therapy and outside help for their marriage isn’t something that can be accurately assessed, it’s the same for women filing for divorce since according to studies that too is to clarify further: the statistics are usually based on self reports of who initiated a divorce. Hence you can’t dismiss one and not the other.
Firstly send me your proof for percentages in Muslim world and so called past societies.

The 75% is divorce papers and who intiates it which is easily can be worked out since it’s court filled. But I will go through those percentages of how they worked out who decided to go to therapy between couples and either way going to a 3rd wheeling therapist means nothing in Islam we have our own resolving systems.

And those divorces made by the men was either they wanted to take another wife or either after long process of working it out didn’t go their way. Some men are scum and do not divorce even when they are the problem like my aunts situation so a man divorcing is him being rational and not holding the women hostage.

I don’t get this back and forth 75% of women initiate divorce and in Islam only the man has the power to proclaim divorce and this is wisdom and knowledge behind it backed by the Deen due to women being more emotional and men being more rational and logical.

Go argue with the Deen and that insane 75% stat.

But looking forward to proof reading and debunking those papers and stats you sent like I did with your Somali people high divorce yapping.


Formerly known as Ajansjana
Well didn’t he just not say that 😂 also he is still a renowned psychologist. Women tend to be more emotionally expressive and undergo greater emotional fluctuations, contrasting with men who tend to internalize their feelings. Suicide is perceived as an act of violence and a response to overwhelming despair, representing a form of self-harm. Despite these considerations, it is notable that 75% of divorces are initiated by women, reflecting their inclination to express and act upon their current emotional states.

Undoubtedly this is proven by reality. Historically and even In Islam Via our Prophet only men are fit for leadership, because women by nature are more emotional and more easily swayed by their feelings and compassion. These qualities have been created in women to enable them to carry out their most important duty, which is that of motherhood and nurturing children. Men, on the other hand, are not usually swayed by their emotions as women are. Their way is usually one of logic and deliberation, which form the essence of responsibility and leadership.

It is also clearly indicated by the hadith of Abu Bakrah who said that when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) heard that the Persians had appointed the daughter of Chosroes as their queen, he said, “No people who appoint a woman as their leader will ever prosper.” (Reported by al-Bukhari, 13/53).
Go learn about the difference between a man and women’s brain and you’ll realise how wrong you are lmfao


Formerly known as Ajansjana
Firstly send me your proof for percentages in Muslim world and so called past societies.

The 75% is divorce papers and who intiates it which is easily can be worked out since it’s court filled. But I will go through those percentages of how they worked out who decided to go to therapy between couples and either way going to a 3rd wheeling therapist means nothing in Islam we have our own resolving systems.

And those divorces made by the men was either they wanted to take another wife or either after long process of working it out didn’t go their way. Some men are scum and do not divorce even when they are the problem like my aunts situation so a man divorcing is him being rational and not holding the women hostage.

I don’t get this back and forth 75% of women initiate divorce and in Islam only the man has the power to proclaim divorce and this is wisdom and knowledge behind it backed by the Deen due to women being more emotional and men being more rational and logical.

Go argue with the Deen and that insane 75% stat.

But looking forward to proof reading and debunking those papers and stats you sent like I did with your Somali people high divorce yapping.
Ur just regurgitating misogynistic stereotypes did u listen to her at all ? Women are the ones who get couple therapy or just something to fix the marriage. Men don’t divorce because it would make them lose the person who is emotionally there for them cooks and cleans for them etc that’s why men go out and cheat rather than divorce while women would rather just divorce and find another husband which to me seems much more logical
Firstly send me your proof for percentages in Muslim world and so called past societies.

According to Mamluk records 3/10 marriages ended in divorce. 3/10= 30%.

The Ottomans also recorded high divorce rates as well. Read the article fully. I can’t be asked to go through it with you.
The 75% is divorce papers and who intiates it which is easily can be worked out since it’s court filled. But I will go through those percentages of how they worked out who decided to go to therapy between couples and either way going to a 3rd wheeling therapist means nothing in Islam we have our own resolving systems.
Lol the study isn’t actually court filled walal.

‘Parker et al. (2022) developed a divorce initiation inventory to assess divorce initiation across dimensions. There are many different measures used in research that ask divorced participants some variation of “who did it.” I won’t go into detail on every question item that has been used, but I want to make it clear that when we talk of divorce initiation we are usually not talking about who filed for the divorce.’

More reading, less talking please.

And those divorces made by the men was either they wanted to take another wife or either after long process of working it out didn’t go their way. Some men are scum and do not divorce even when they are the problem like my aunts situation so a man divorcing is him being rational and not holding the women hostage.
So a man no longer wanting a woman and wanting to marry another= rational. A woman no longer wanting a man= irrational lol. Okay mate.

This is why I can’t take you serious. It’s simple hypocrisy. A man leaving his wife for another is still causing issues in society. His child isn’t being raised by both of this biological parents. But it’s okay right when men do it?
I don’t get this back and forth 75% of women initiate divorce and in Islam only the man has the power to proclaim divorce and this is wisdom and knowledge behind it backed by the Deen due to women being more emotional and men being more rational and logical.
Go argue with the Deen and that insane 75% stat.
I’m not arguing with the deen. I’m arguing with your use of the statwhen A: the same stats show women try to work on their marriages more than men, hence how could be due to being overly emotional? let’s look at reasons for divorce:



29% of divorces involved DV and 43% of divorces also involved infidelity. It really isn’t as clear cut as ‘muh emotions’ as you’re trying to make it out.

Now let’s look at infidelity and how unfortunately common it is with the male gender:


It’s your picking and choosing and lack of regard for logic that gets to me despite arguing how ‘logical’ you are.
But looking forward to proof reading and debunking those papers and stats you sent like I did with your Somali people high divorce yapping.
You can’t debunk anything it just shows how bias and not so intelligent you are. The cases of the 75% statistics is also one of self-reporting. If you’re going to try and debunk stuff for not being accurate, why won’t you debunk that? Lol.

The Somali one is based on what the locals think and anthropologists. It isn’t a stat and it was what the people of that time era thought. It was never meant to be read as a stat. Sometimes, simply read and listen instead of always trying to be right.
Warning: Rambling ahead.

Life is laughably unfair. It's OK to b.itch out from time to time (not trying to be sexist here. I'm speaking generally). Men should also be in touch with their emotions but never show them outwardly. It won't do you any good complaining to people who can't relate or couldn't care less about what's going on (easily the 95 percent). All you will succeed in doing is making them feel better about their own situation.

Few can put themselves in someone else's shoes. It will not sink in for the vast majority, unfortunately.
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لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Ok we are emotional enough about that now. Men are more represented in every category of violent and destructive behaviours: murder, rape, war, terrorism, genocide. I’d rather be with a bleeding heart than be a borderline sociopath
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Ur just regurgitating misogynistic stereotypes did u listen to her at all ? Women are the ones who get couple therapy or just something to fix the marriage. Men don’t divorce because it would make them lose the person who is emotionally there for them cooks and cleans for them etc that’s why men go out and cheat rather than divorce while women would rather just divorce and find another husband which to me seems much more logical
No, he doesn’t listen. He doesn’t read and he uses statistics when it fits into his argument and tosses statistics when it doesn’t which shows he has contempt for logic and data and being truthful.


I put Books to the Test of Life
No, he doesn’t listen. He doesn’t read and he uses statistics when it fits into his argument and tosses statistics when it doesn’t which shows he has contempt for logic and data and being truthful.
This is just pointless that link to who initiates divorces and why is just doing mental gymnastics:drakelaugh:"First, what do we mean by divorce initiation? This means women are the ones to ask for a divorce first. The why still remains. We are simply asking who."

even tho men and women in west now have equality to divorce the women somehow make up 70-75% of running to initiate and file, and abuse or cheating is barley a fraction but other reasons aside that which is still crazy amount.

I am just going to end it here, this convo is pointless since the Deen and wisdom of Allah points to women being more emotional and irrational in certain matters compared to men hence they are not allowed to govern or rule over a state or people as well as call for a divorce.

I don't know what your aiming for, so you can have the Final say.
This is just pointless that link to who initiates divorces and why is just doing mental gymnastics:drakelaugh:"First, what do we mean by divorce initiation? This means women are the ones to ask for a divorce first. The why still remains. We are simply asking who."

even tho men and women in west now have equality to divorce the women somehow make up 70-75% of running to initiate and file, and abuse or cheating is barley a fraction but other reasons aside that which is still crazy amount.

I am just going to end it here, this convo is pointless since the Deen and wisdom of Allah points to women being more emotional and irrational in certain matters compared to men hence they are not allowed to govern or rule over a state or people as well as call for a divorce.

I don't know what your aiming for, so you can have the Final say.
Yes and who asks is clearly self-reported. I thought you don’t see self-reported data as accurate?

Also cheating and abuse is not barely a fraction. They make up 29% and 45% of divorce cases respectively. Why are you lying? If you add them more than 75% of cases is due to cheating and abuse. Men also score higher in sociopathy and other disorders. This might be a tough pill to swallow but data shows this.

That’s my issue with you. You lie and don’t take data into account if it doesn’t fit your argument. That’s a clear example of someone who argues via emotions.

I use data, the commentary of data scientists whilst you come up with…..emotions.


I put Books to the Test of Life
Yes and who asks is clearly self-reported. I thought you don’t see self-reported data as accurate?

Also cheating and abuse is not barely a fraction. They make up 29% and 45% of divorce cases respectively. Why are you lying? If you add them more than 75% of cases is due to cheating and abuse. Men also score higher in sociopathy and other disorders. This might be a tough pill to swallow but data shows this.

That’s my issue with you. You lie and don’t take data into account if it doesn’t fit your argument. That’s a clear example of someone who argues via emotions.

I use data, the commentary of data scientists whilst you come up with…..emotions.
I do not care for mental Gymnastics Numerous articles and research agree with the 70-75%, and that article does not debunk it.

Women are more emotional and Irrational compared to men, Are you disagreeing or something ? make up your mind I don't get your point. the 70-75% is just proof and other wisdoms of why the Deen takes emotional driven matters such as Leadership and Governing and calling for Divorce in the Hands of Men.

I knew at the age of 12 just from visualising and studying my environment women are without human doubt more emotional then men, that is even before knowing statistics and why the Deen forbids them to Initiate divorce on the spot nor to Rule over people.

The people of Ilm and Salaf have agreed so go argue with the prophet and Allah.
I do not care for mental Gymnastics Numerous articles and research agree with the 70-75%, and that article does not debunk it.
Yes and numerous research agree that at 29% of divorces happen due to DV and more than 40% happen due to cheating.

So logically speaking, how can you say mostly women file for divorce due to ‘emotions’

Are you now denying studies and statistics?
Women are more emotional and Irrational compared to men, Are you disagreeing or something I don't get your point. the 70-75% is just proof and other wisdoms of why the Deen takes emotional driven matters such as Leadership and Governing and calling for Divorce in the Hands of Men.
So basically you’re using the 75% study but ignoring the study that shows more than 40% of marriages end due to cheating and more than 29% because of abuse? Okay got you.
I knew at the age of 12 just from visualising and studying my environment women are without human doubt more emotional then men, that is even before knowing statistics and why the Deen forbids them to imitate divorce on the spot nor to Rule over people.

The people of Ilm and Salaf have agreed so go argue with the prophet and Allah.
You’re probably more emotional than most.
You deny studies and statistics.
Whenever i see jbp i remember that millions are taking psychology advice of a pill addict, that was checked into a psych ward, who also thinks things like an all meat diet are very cool and smart.

Its interesting to see him here breaking down why women are more emotional than men, but his benzo addiction and subsequent spiral that landed him in a psych ward was onset by his wife having a brush up with death

He does have a way with words and a cool voice, im sure the pied piper's tunes sounded nice too
Ok we are emotional enough about that now. Men are more represented in every category of violent and destructive behaviours: murder, rape, war, terrorism, genocide. I’d rather be with a bleeding heart than be a borderline sociopath
Hey you do realize that what is between your legs has no bearing on your character as a human being right?

I think a lot of people have become obsessed with gender. Better to work on yourself as a living breathing human being rather than as a "woman" or "man".

I say this not to negate anyone or their biological sex. But rather for you to realise that you are more than just your body or the base instincts it possesses.


Certified CNC expert.
Women are very emotional, I had an argument with my gf yesterday, which ended in me being livid and garnishing the wall with fresh new holes. Dammit why are women so EMOTIONAL?

