Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Speak for the xalimos in your family.what do you mean "stronger"?
stronger as in physically or stronger as in mentally?
either way, of course white women are stronger.
Naaa g I don’t know what kind of somaliwomen you’re around laakin over here they’re in their 50s and going strong.Yes. They’re descendants of Vikings loool.
Besides you just know cadaan women are stronger because they walk with karti. somali women walk like the bones are about to collapse, and when they reach 50, they’re already suffering from osteoarthritis due to a lack of vitamin D growing up
But in a fight we all know who would in
Except for low iron lvlsSomali women are superior to everyone in every shape and form.
Nothing can hold us down
I see what you did thereYes cadaan women fought for their womens rights and have freedom unlike xalimos
Any race can beat the average Somali women and man no joke modern food is destroying the Somali physique since Somalis don't do hard labour like our forefathers did in the past waxay noqdeen dad caajis ah and eat all these junk food, the average Cadaan is aware of diet etc. and workout. Midakale much estrogen in the food leads to Somali women becoming more jileec and growing these flabby arms while Somali men grow big buttocks iyo naaso. We are doomed if we keep heading the way we are going. We are doomed in every field.
Any race can beat the average Somali women and man no joke modern food is destroying the Somali physique since Somalis don't do hard labour like our forefathers did in the past waxay noqdeen dad caajis ah and eat all these junk food and if they dont eat junk food they eat traditional canjeero iyo shaax with 5 spoons of sonkor and become very caato like skeletor, the average Cadaan is aware of diet etc. and workout. Midakale much estrogen in the food leads to Somali women becoming more jileec and growing these flabby arms while Somali men grow big buttocks iyo naaso and they grow these hamster like cheeks on face a characteristic of a feminine man akhas. We are doomed if we keep heading the way we are going. We are doomed in every field.