Are there any Somalis who are an atheist?

There is difference between facts and fiction. Not accepting Islam for any reason is legit but making false claims as to why that is, is a different ballgame altogether. At issue here is people making false claims about Islam for their rejection.

You my need to refine your English comprehension BTW.

It doesn't bother me if all humanity rejects God. I decide for myself. No lies and unfounded proclamations about Islam. That is the civilized way.
These secular types aren't fooling anybody. They just want to live the comfy gaal lifestyle don't know the first thing about science/philosophy/religion but talking about "errors" please :silanyosmile:


There is difference between facts and fiction. Not accepting Islam for any reason is legit but making false claims as to why that is, is a different ballgame altogether. At issue here is people making false claims about Islam for their rejection.

You my need to refine your English comprehension BTW.

It doesn't bother me if all humanity rejects God. I decide for myself. No lies and unfounded proclamations about Islam. That is the civilized way.
I wasn’t talking about the talking about their claims of scientific inaccuracies in the quran, I was talking about how you assumed they just gotten this from somewhere without thinking it through.
What creation story is inaccurate in the Quran? You are most likely repeating what you heard and have no clue about what you are talking about. Nonetheless, try to be credible by pointing out inaccuracies.

People declaring their disagreement and disbelief in something they don't know personally can not be a substitute for facts.
I don't believe that humans are descended from Adam and Eve.
There is difference between facts and fiction. Not accepting Islam for any reason is legit but making false claims as to why that is, is a different ballgame altogether. At issue here is people making false claims about Islam for their rejection.

You my need to refine your English comprehension BTW.

It doesn't bother me if all humanity rejects God. I decide for myself. No lies and unfounded proclamations about Islam. That is the civilized way.
Isn't the whole point of being a non-believer... not believing in the religion? Then obviously we're going to disagree on some things, just cause you don't like my answer doesn't mean I'm making false claims.
If so, why?

what made you not believe in a God?

do you think you’ll die and perish; with no traces and not receive any rewards in the hereafter?
There’s no reason to post this thread and expose laymen to Apostates and give them the platform to spread doubts about our religion. It’s best if you delete this thread if you truly fear Allah or if you have any wisdom. If you’re interested in hearing a Murtad’s reasons for leaving the faith (which I do not recommend you listening to them at all), do it privately rather than posting a public thread giving them an opportunity to spread doubts about our faith.

Also if there’s any sincere Murtad reading this thread who has doubts and wants their doubts to be addressed genuinely then my advise is to go contact a traditional scholar/preacher privately who’s philosophically/intellectually trained to address the specific issues you’re dealing with.
I wasn’t talking about the talking about their claims of scientific inaccuracies in the quran, I was talking about how you assumed they just gotten this from somewhere without thinking it through.

Yes, it is often the case their claims are not based on meaningful thoughts but on outright lies. When people have credible and factual arguments to object to something, they write the details and let others decide on the veracity of their information. In this thread alone, non of them posted anything to substantiate their claims.

And lastly, everything they will write has a record somewhere online. I suggest they leave the links as they post their supposed arguments.
I don't believe that humans are descended from Adam and Eve.

What are the basis of your belief then? Cause even in non religious texts, we learn the unbroken link between all humans across races and ethnicity in their genetics. Be it Mitochondrial Eve or Y-chromosomal Adam, the chain is there unbroken looking back at any rational human being with non-ape brain. If everyone on earth is related to the other person 99.9%,, the teaching in Islam that humans have common ancestry is simply very rational as it were. It doesn't contradict what humans gleaned from their own blood analysis.

What is your argument against that?
Isn't the whole point of being a non-believer... not believing in the religion? Then obviously we're going to disagree on some things, just cause you don't like my answer doesn't mean I'm making false claims.

It is human to disagree. Plus contrary to what you may think, assuming you have had zero exposure to Islamic knowledge or culture, not all humans are destined to believe in a creator according to Islam. We are built to chart our own destiny with our own choice. With that said, and for God to give all humans an opportunity to examine the truth behind their existence(smart humans question why they are here), he made himself known through scriptures he sent. Some of us examined the texts and decided with conviction to have faith, others objected and object. According to Islam, not all mankind will believe in God. So, this argument is moot to begin with in Islam. The issue here is when you and others object to Islam, you must state the reasons.
What are the basis of your belief then? Cause even in non religious texts, we learn the unbroken link between all humans across races and ethnicity in their genetics. Be it Mitochondrial Eve or Y-chromosomal Adam, the chain is there unbroken looking back at any rational human being with non-ape brain. If everyone on earth is related to the other person 99.9%,, the teaching in Islam that humans have common ancestry is simply very rational as it were. It doesn't contradict what humans gleaned from their own blood analysis.

What is your argument against that?
The mitochondrial Eve and Y-chromosomal Adam weren't the first people nor did they know eachother or have children. Even if they were, how would the human race survive this long since inbreeding would be necessary for them to populate the Earth? And how would you explain neanderthal fossils since Adam and Eve were supposedly the first beings on Earth? I'll admit I am not well-read into genetics and whatnot but I don't need to be to decide what I believe is probable and not
The mitochondrial Eve and Y-chromosomal Adam weren't the first people nor did they know each other or have children. Even if they were, how would the human race survive this long since inbreeding would be necessary for them to populate the Earth? And how would you explain neanderthal fossils since Adam and Eve were supposedly the first beings on Earth? I'll admit I am not well-read into genetics and whatnot but I don't need to be to decide what I believe is probable and not

- How do you know Adam and Eve were not together? Better yet, how did your sources affirm that?

- Based on genetic science, there is a phenomenon called "Founder Effect". A single pair can have 75% or more of the variation of the entire population they will produce as their progeny. For this reason, Adam and Eve were unlike us with genes that are harmful when it comes inbreeding. Perfect design from a perfect designer.

- In Islam, Adam and Eve were not the first intelligent beings on earth. Quran uses the word "Successor" to describe humans which indicates that people/humans replaced an existing beings on earth. Some of these replaced creatures were mentioned. Intelligent beings far superior in terms of strength than humans. It is in the Quran.

- We all need to decide our beliefs based on reasonable and rational thought using available evidence. This evidence can be the Quran which makes claims a mere human can not claim, or in Nature/Science which can teach us the hidden hands behind their intricate design.

As long as you are a curious human-being, it would be hard to avoid asking yourself basic existential questions.
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