Are Somalis black?

There's no such thing as "Black unity" in Africa, everyone just identifies with their country/ethnicity. If you go to Africa with this "Black unity" nonsense, they will laugh at your face. Somalis back home got more devastating issues to deal with, some dead criminal star in a first world country should not be their concern at all. Also I don't like some of these responses, Somalis are just Somalis, not Arab so let's just leave it at that.
There's no such thing as "Black unity" in Africa, everyone just identifies with their country/ethnicity. If you go to Africa with this "Black unity" nonsense, they will laugh at your face. Somalis back home got more devastating issues to deal with, some dead criminal star in a first world country should not be their concern at all. Also I don't like some of these responses, Somalis are just Somalis, not Arab so let's just leave it at that.
who's the star, I'm confused


I was trolling a gang of females on another platform saying we're somali first and they werent havin it but yes we are black :mjkkk:


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
I'm surprised by the response where the guy says he's in between Madow and Portuguese. :pachah1: Why are Black or Arab the only options? It's a leading question. I think Somalis back home are still confused about what they are.
Somalis back home have some of the best internet but are still ignorant. Ya ilahi yaqaan lol. Can someone inform them that banu hashim is a lie.


I do something called "what I want"
Wallahi I was dying every 10 seconds throughout this video.

“Nabi Ismaaciil baan ku abtirsanikara”

“Aniga iyo Nabi Maxamed isku qabiil aanu nahney” :cryinglaughsmiley:

The old man too. I’m gonna have to show this to my whole family. This video is tooo funny

lil baasto is really out here


I do something called "what I want"
Time Stamps for the best moments:

5:03 (you see a lil sneak peek of lil baasto’s editing skills)


The whole video is a somali masterpiece but these are the best parts.


I do something called "what I want"

Exactly how I imagine every BLM xaliimo

The Somali Caesar

King of Sarcasm• Location: Rent free in your head
This is what I don’t get why do we feel obligated to fit ourselves into a box that doesn’t truly represent our identity?

It’s always the question are Somalis black or Arab. Why can’t we just Identity as Somali that’s what our ancestors identified with so why can’t we?