Are Somali's Ancient Egyptians ?!

That's what they say but as she said if you look at the drawings all of the pharaohs and egyptians at that time they hard dark skin and cushitic features
they probably used a darker clay to represent their tanned skin plus ancient figurines dont always represent certain populations 100% accurately there are people who even believe that the olmecs were black due to how the statues looked
they probably were black to begin with and got lighter thru the times (europe invasion, arab invasion) the more research u do u will know somalis werent egyptians but we traded with them
(Land of Punt) and as someone already said in this post and ive said it before, even if we happened to be connected with the ancient egyptians, right now we are at the bottom so what does that even matter. hopefully we can build ourselves up again and become the worlds greatest inshallah
You must be consoled that in the south people are more similar to the Sudanese and the empire expanded towards those latitudes

Here they were painted as black with blue eyes, lol


