Arabist| Akh-Right Movement|احب الملكات العرب
Yes but atheism in itself can be a force of good or evil. An atheist could justify wiping out a whole country because of moral subjectivity & you would have nothing to say against that as an Atheist-to say that his actions were immoral. Unchecked freedom can lead to such atrocrities and can be justified via atheism hence why we have laws??I don't think atheism has anything to do with beliefs. They rejected God and don't particularly care for the supernatural. They try to live meaningful lives and enjoy their freedoms without being restricted by religion. Remember how most LGBTQ are atheists? Atheism offers a way out. You can practically do anything apart from crime. Also atheists and LGBTQ people are really nice guys. At least the ones I have interacted with. What do you think will happen if you promise a Somali a good life if they give up religion?
Also atheism does have to do with a set of beliefs in the contect of this thread as it entails not only denying the existence of a God but also proseyltising people into coming to such a conclusion. It mimicks the idelogies it tries to refute in that way.
Also, define a 'good life' and also do you endorse the LGBTQI+ cause?