Are going out on dates a waste of money?

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Basically lmaooooo we were just talking. I tried it a bit but had to stop cuz my lungs were burning up :icon lol:

I don't blame you. A few friends once invited me into shisha, I couldn't concentrate with all the smoke around, I told them lets get
the fk out of here and do something else.


Queen of the light
Haye it is a date then, get your jacket and brace the cold. What kind of painting artists do you like? I use to draw paintings based on
Georgia O'keeffe style.
cezanne is my favourite artist in art class I drew some of his pastel creations. Tbh what I really would like to see are the Greek statues, egyptian status basically just see every past of every culture it will be a challenge. However worthwhile.


@Kanye most girls here avoid public places when asked on a date. God forbid the snitch in your neighborhood shows up. :tacky:

Iirc there aren't many Somalis where you're at, so the more tight knit a community the less attractive a place like shisha will be. For thr rest of us in densely populated areas like Toronto we're not as fearful of bring found out so group outings become the best solution. Mutually assured destruction. If one goes down everyone goes down.
This makes a lot of sense. In essence, you're freer.

@666 @dhegdheer @Kanye @waraabe My niggas smuggle me in to Brexitstan


Queen of the light
There is some aura of Oriental titillation when it comes to shisha I cannot help but be placed in Aladin's era, men smoking whilst enjoying card play or watching pretty women dance. Smoke raidaiting in the air is a very sensual and submisisve symbol, something rather masculine infact only reserved for men who wish to escape from their wives or the harsh realities of life. I love the historical connotation attached to smoking a glass pipe intricately displayed. Simply facinating I think.


cezanne is my favourite artist in art class I drew some of his pastel creations. Tbh what I really would like to see are the Greek statues, egyptian status basically just see every past of every culture it will be a challenge. However worthwhile.

I can relate to that. I like reading about Egyptian statues like the Great Sphinx of Giza and history of Ancient Greece.
cezanne is my favourite artist in art class I drew some of his pastel creations. Tbh what I really would like to see are the Greek statues, egyptian status basically just see every past of every culture it will be a challenge. However worthwhile.

I love Cezanne! I like how he sort of paved they way for one of the most interesting art movements, cubism, Picasso and Braque who kkkk


I predict weed spots being the next big thing.
Nah, there's coffee shops in the Netherlands and a sizable Somali population, Afaik, Somalis don't partake in it as a normal social outing. At least not with the opposite sex lol.

As for brexitstan, we may still use radiators but it's not a bad place :obama:


Queen of the light
I can relate to that. I like reading about Egyptian statues like the Great Sphinx of Giza and history of Ancient Greece.
Me to I love the power of ancient Egyptians facinating history attached, the good and the bad. I woud love to visit these places and collect peaces of memories. I just need someone who doesn't feel bored of learning.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
You're freer.
Hooyos got snitches posted in all of the ends like Pablo Escobar.
I once saw someone I recognized in Tesco, I added some non-alcoholic lager onto my item list for the luls.

*Goes home* "Warya, alkohoolisteyahoow kaalay"



Would be a socially acceptable way to test someone doe.

"hey wanna hit the weed spot? :diddyass:"

"Yeah I go there a lot. Pick me up at 8"


*never show up

"Listen akh, wallahi there's this spot yeah. Banging, banging. :wow:"


Me to I love the power of ancient Egyptians facinating history attached, the good and the bad. I woud love to visit these places and collect peaces of memories. I just need someone who doesn't feel bored of learning.

We should go to Egypt and Athens, Greece then and see the real thing.Are you into helping
poor people in the form of digging wells and building homes in Africa? Cause that is what
I am into also.:cool:


Queen of the light
Hooyos got snitches posted in all of the ends like Pablo Escobar.
I once saw someone I recognized in Tesco, I added some non-alcoholic lager onto my item list for the luls.

*Goes home* "Warya, alkohoolisteyahoow kaalay"
What is wrong with a bit whiskey every night ? How about rum or red wine ? Alcohol is as endless as time itself, ever since man existed so has alcohol, it's heartbreak, fights and occasional fun never grows old. Now pick up that bottle and say cheers to that.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Hooyos got snitches posted in all of the ends like Pablo Escobar.
I once saw someone I recognized in Tesco, I added some non-alcoholic lager onto my item list for the luls.

*Goes home* "Warya, alkohoolisteyahoow kaalay"

*googles Tesco

Nigga that's just the shire version of Superstore

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