Are dogs allowed at your house in islam?

I’m assuming it’s mahkrook which mean IT’s disliked but not forbidden right ? Anyway someone send me the right information
I’m assuming it’s mahkrook which mean IT’s disliked but not forbidden right ? Anyway someone send me the right information
Saliva is not allowed to touch you. You can have dogs for security like a watchdog or when you want to protect the herd on a farm

And Allah knows best.
Saliva is not allowed to touch you. You can have dogs for security like a watchdog or when you want to protect the herd on a farm

And Allah knows best.
I’ve heard if it you touch the saliva it still doesn’t break your wudu
But you need to watch your hand 7 times
I’ve heard if it you touch the saliva it still doesn’t break your wudu
But you need to watch your hand 7 times
Yes only 4 thins break wudu among the Shafici jurisprudence which most somais adhere to.

Farting, Peeing, Shiting etc

Touching your private parts with your hands. Your back hand is okey though.

Dozing off like sleeping or becoming unconscious. Although dozing off for a short while while sitting is ok

Touchingg skin to skin women that are non mahram. (Wowed that are not from the immediate family that you can marry)