Archive April 2021: Somalia: Farmajo is Lonely at the Top


MOGADISHU (HAN) April 22. 2021. Public Diplomacy and Regional Stability Initiatives News. Monitoring Regional Issues. By: Professor Ibrahim.Farmaajo is a lonely broken man today. He lost his major supporters from the region Eritrea and Ethiopia, strong allies for the past four years. His future in Villa Somalia and Somali trust are all undoubtedly shattered by a United front of the Somali leaders and the International Community. All his diplomatic endeavors has failed miserably for the past two years. He is now in Mogadishu pondering his fate. He can only blame himself for his failings.
He initially came to power at a time where the world was hell bent to do something about the deteriorating situation of Somalia. Somalia became a haven for all kinds of unruly elements. However, with the support of the International Community, Farmaajo sensed an opportunity to stay longer by consolidating the powers in 2018.

As a result, he thought he can eliminate all the regional leaders one by one and replace them with stooges of his own. The regional leaders noticed him right when he has eliminated their Baidoa counterpart in a very unruly bloodletting manner. His actions at Baidoa has created a chilling ripple effect in the whole country. Everybody noticed the recklessness of his actions. Farmaajo also attempted to eliminate the leader of Jubbaland but that has backfired. Further, Farmaajo also started to harass and humiliate the former presidents even controlling their departures at the only airport in the capital.

It was actually a noble effort for Farmaajo to take on the regional heads. The central government needs to have a control over the country, especially in the areas of defense, foreign relations, monetary, taxation, resource sharing, and immigration.

History will remember him as a leader who 1) increased and paid the salary of 36,000 civil servants and security forces, and over 300 parliamentarians on time; 2) stood up to Kenyan bullying visavis the maritime coast until the ICJ's final verdict; 3) Constant pushback against UN trusteeship over Somalia that UK and others have pursued through UNSC; 4) the phasing out of AMISOM and the gradual takeover of security by Somali security forces. That is President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo's record!

His (Farmaajo's) biggest failure was when he failed to align himself and his government with a major foreign backer. The West being against stable and functioning Somali state, he should have sought the support of other powers and he should've been willing to take that risk. He didn't, and Halane is today, sadly, setting the agenda.
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