Arabs possess best food

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Lol, do you really eat Somali food that often?

I basically eat almost everything from all over the world.

I had Mexican food yesterday.
I love Somali food if I can't have it I'll eat Arab Indian or anything similar or else just American food. I hate Mexican food it's filled with beans feels like African food


I love Somali food if I can't have it I'll eat Arab Indian or anything similar or else just American food. I hate Mexican food it's filled with beans feels like African food

I have been so lazy lately, I have been ordering food only or buying ready-meals. I got to start cooking again, but I hate cooking.


I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
Arab food is unhealthy, too much meat and fat and carbs.

Did you know that Turks are the most obese Europeans? Their diet is the most similar to those of Arabs.
Yes I knew that saw it on a map kkkkkkk


I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
The Turks I saw Germany were all fat as well. Especially the middle aged women. Kinda sad.

East Asians have the best diets. They don't seem to get fat.
Maybe its their genes just like us we do not seem to get fat fast unlike some though kkkkk and the women kkkk


Maybe its their genes just like us we do not seem to get fat fast unlike some though kkkkk and the women kkkk

Nah, they eat more vegetables and their portions are smaller. Also, I hear they are very rude to fat people and tell them to lose weight (their culture is against it). While Westerners and MENAs are politically correct to fat people.


As bad as they are, and as filthy as they are and backwardly savage their culture can be, I would say timo jelecs have by far the best food in the world. No question.
Somali food is good but I doubt you'll be seeing me in Somali restaurants js :kanyeshrug:

Not only is the food not that good but I can't stand those annoying ass Somalis who blatantly stare at you. Then when you stare back, they get shocked and act like i'm rude :umwhat:
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Death Awaits You
middle eastern cuisine is my all time favorite. Maybe it has to with all the spices in their food. They even use exotic spices such as cardamoms and saffron on their desserts.
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