Arab and Jew Migrations


The original arabs are in Yemen the one who owns the 'root language' that's why the closer u r to the language it means the purer your arabic and hence the arabs of pennisula, went further out into Lebanon, palestine, iran areas who were places that were conquered so many times their arab purity is so 'small' they can barely 'count their ancestors' let alone anything else. But we are the same people, we just went different route as we were not intersted in the conflict over there. China-Indonesia-India were appealing as it was very peaceful and people were suprised how pagans can be peaceful and growing? because the barbaric pagan of europe-mongols-russia is what we thought paganism brought just anger and hate and destruction.

Somalia-Ethiopia-Eritrea a huge bunch of arab tribes migrated as it was 'safer' established region and the 'language was developed earlier in ancient egypt times meaning more 'purer' in terms of knowledge. They wanted to go to the 'purer' sites of languages because languages is 'knowledge' that's how u learn something by finding languages or else you won't know if the language that has failed in your past region which is arabic that has become dilutted by levant-egypt today-iraq-iran. Those are seen as the lighter arabs, when they come back to Saudi arabia they 'forget' what the land means, it doesn't mean holy, their attempting to do the 'israel' nonsense, the kabah is reminder to muslims of god/mohamed legacy the 'root'.

They were supposed to develop saints there and learningn to purify the arabic and bring it as close to th original but they can't anymore so people 'store' it away from them and only speak the modern arabic to them and see them as 'lost half brothers but the pagans' can do that to any society they bring back crimes that never existed in the continent like hating women, in arab culture women are half circumised not the same level as pharoah women, the less their circumised the women loses worth like the jewish women, so only the man is left as hope for all of them. Man and Woman in ancient africa are seen as equal as god said circumise both so their not apart of the animals. So when we speak to modern arabs we are ask do u circumise the females, if they do they are 'original' arabs we lived with we teach them the proper islam, proper pure arabic, hikma and say they are just lost 'arabs' who returned in saudi arabia after iranian culture and iraq-syria which has roman influence, they bring crimes from pagan rome which means more laws develop which is the whole thing u running from now they have shariah of laws like pagans of roman societies which means its less pure, u want just 1 law society that is pure lik pharoah, the more impure it is they do more salat, more fasting, more hijab, more beating. That is the lost arabs like mohamed bin salman types his persian ones


Sxb the quran describes oasis in saudi it was like puntland today bit rainy bit dry, not just dry, it has small farm lands. Noone wud of settled that environment today, people migrated as tribes where the knowledge and language. JUST LIKE TODAY I MIGRATED TO AUSTRALIA, I WONT STAY HERE, I LEARN THE KNOWLEDGE, AND GO. WHEREEVER T HE HIKMAH IS NIGGA GOES


When jews migrated the bulk was sent to europe meaning you are lesser jews go among the pagans and restore them so u increase your jewishness, they won't send their best which is against hikmah rule of storing the purity with small, ethiopians they are purest form they have as it's smaller. Arabs second purest they have. The arabs most were told to go to pagans in ex romania and turkey and the smaller groups horn of africa and indonesia-india so they preserve the purity. It's same people just disbaned for knowledge, u don't stay in the same place for centuries or that shows 'no hikmah' or just praying all day. People cut deals and run not argue with u all day or else there is no hikmah, there is no hikmah in beating arguing for them ur doing the same thing others r doing when means its bulk goods. Beating and bad things is done where societies dont know it as it's different and rare. The rule of hikmah is rareness only not what your doing, as long as your not doing what the whole world is doing


Somalis the whole purpose of language is so someone doesnt wipe yours out and says I taught u what trees are and animals, u were troglodye from adam curse and discriminate u, u must preserve the shit or else there is no evidence you even have language, oral, poetry, literature. U need two basics society of farmers and nomads as they saw places as persian nomads persian farmers. Every society was seen in simple segments based on occupation. Maybe we gave them a name in Somali but I doubt it we didnt travel to that area, that was the job of the lesser arabs who were told go purify yourself among them as we keep the best arabs in small isolated places so it remains not impacted by civilization and main stream langauge which kills of langauges. Always talk chinese, english, modern arabic as their not 'pure' anymore, but don't extract meaning as it's been abused by so many cultures now it has developed so many laws