Apparently if you don't wanna date trans people you're transphobic kkkkk


I once had a dream that I was intersex. I had a huge guuse and a vagina. Plus I still had my chests.. it felt very realistic. What bothered me the most about that dream was how nonchalant my family were. My brothers treated me normally like their younger sis. My parents and sisters treated me very well. I broke down crying asking them how are they okay with me having a guuse. They told me that they love me and accept me for who I am. I kept disagreeing with them and began yelling at them for not cutting my guuse as a baby, because I'm obviously a woman. My cousin woke me up from my sleep because I was crying profusely and punching the bed. First thing I did was try to look for my guuse. Being born a woman is a blessing in disguise
:oops: That was a rollercoaster to read.

