Anyone in their mid 20s feel different

I feel a visible change in my mentality and process of thinking. Like I've become an adult or 'man'. Its no wonder that Roman law dictated that a man had to be over 25 to have influence over any family affairs


The most eggcelent member
I feel a visible change in my mentality and process of thinking. Like I've become an adult or 'man'. Its no wonder that Roman law dictated that a man had to be over 25 to have influence over any family affairs
the brain stops growing at mid 20s and the islamic prime of a man is his 30s since thats when peak brain connectivity is.

Its simply true the longer on you go the more "sentient" you get until 30-33.

I had a "sentience" moment as a 20 year old this afternoon. I had a small behavior shift and boost to my responsibility and just got stuff done and reconsidered my future.

ALLAH (SWT) blessed us with more brainpower as we age for about half our life alhamdulilah.

Keep on going and use it right brother.


Minister of Propaganda
Only thing i have noticed is the years going by so quick. Time really begins to zoom by post high school.

I still haven’t snapped out of it. A part of me still thinks I’m in high school or early university.

But the reality is that I’m now in the workforce and my career is already ticking down.