Anyone got PS4?


Milf hunter
My controllers are broken my retarded little brother is a 2k addict and when he loses he turns into flightreacts on steroids :mjlol:

Dude lost 21-6 in mypark to some 76 ovr lockdowns and he started cussing out throwing the controller around the room :russ:
bruuh he took an L:dead:
Shit looks interesting. Are you good at it? Waxa rabtaa dad aa karbaashtid miyaa :mjpls:

If I am playing on my keyboard then I am unstoppable against beginners but if I am on my controller I am a total newb.

I don't know if I am good or not but I have a total of 15 hours gameplay and currently stuck between Gold 0 and Gold 1 in rankings and I have seen a neef on reddit who has 600 hours of gameplay and is stuck on Silver 5 and Gold 1.

You should try it tho, it's a fun and easy to learn game imo.

