Anyone else think Trump doesn't actually hate black people but he's just an idiot.

I honestly don't think he outright hates black people.

I think he harbors stereotypes and prejudices, but white supremacist hatred of black people. I don't think he does.
He said black people should only work as cleaners and maids for his companies
All his hotels/casinos hired blacks solely for low status work


He's just ignorant and lacks education on certain topics. He's also incredibly unfit to run the US, so to answer your question, yes he is an idiot but I don't think he genuinely hates black people.


It's all so tiresome
Trump grew up as a spoon-fed rich kid in Manhattan. The dislike he has for blacks is just slightly more than what he thinks of all poor chumps.

Then again I'd rather vote for outright racist right wingers that share my economic values than the two faced snakes that run the plantation called the democratic party who wouldn't mind selling out the world to China for personal benefit.